英语人>网络例句>如同 相关的搜索结果


与 如同 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

As concerns your more particular questions, I do not see any basic contradiction between the Greek and Socratic belief that there is an immortal mind in a mortal body, and the emphasis on unity of life which we find in ancient Hebrews,- on the condition that the immortal mind in question not be regarded (in the Platonic or Hindu manner) as a spirit prisoner in an alien place or a bird in a cage, but as a spirit substantially one with the body it animates (according to the Aristotelian notions of "form" or "entelechy", which Thomas Aquinas has made classical in Catholic theology).


The life is a kind of good luck, everything of the world like flowing water, also fall like the flower efflorescence of season, although the world have no what is fixed and unchangealbe, nonexistent the abyss of time, the origin matter , the good luck is exhausted the matter put out.


But to represent this detestable lust to the child as Divine wrath, and the cruelty as the beneficent act of God, which is exactly what all our floggers do, is to add to the torture of the body, out of which the flogger at least gets some pleasure, the maiming and blinding of the child's soul, which can bring nothing but horror to anyone.


Und wie so teuer der Kaffee, und wie so rar das Geld


Through a section that sounds like the Peking-opera fiddle, the violin suddenly uses glissando fingering to slide down the "G" string, covering an octave interval, seeming to imitate the creaky sound of the dahualian("painted-face character") of Peking opera, while also replying to the clown-like glissando at the start of the piece.

经过一个如同是京胡演奏的片段,小提琴突然在 G 弦上大力度地演奏出大七度的滑音,如同在模仿京剧里的"铜锤花脸"的苍老声音,也似乎是对一开头的"小丑"式滑音部分的回应。

She had wonderful brown hair, shaded with threads of gold, a brow that seemed made of marble, cheeks that seemed made of rose-leaf, a pale flush, an agitated whiteness, an exquisite mouth,whence smiles darted like sunbeams, and words like music, a head such as Raphael would have given to Mary, set upon a neck that Jean Goujon would have attributed to a Venus.


"Love your neighbor as yourself" was part of the Old Testament Law ( Leviticus 19:18) that was sacred to Jesus' kinfolk, the Jews.


Appear classic style in modern, emerge exquisiteness in magnanimousness, just like mysterious and fashion east city—Shanghai.


Clanton, responding to a story on Yahoo Sports that reported that the Rockets and Yao representatives are concerned Yao will never play again, said that Yao could choose to try again to immobilize the foot in the hopes that the hairline fracture of the tarsal navicular bone would heal on its own, as several of his previous bone injuries have and doctors expected this time.

Clanton 在回应Yahoo体育所报道的姚明有可能职业生涯报销的新闻时说,姚明希望选择保守治疗,即固定脚步让舟状骨的头发丝大小的骨裂自然愈合,如同他的前几次受伤一样,如同医生这次检查时期盼看到的一样。

For, such banished man is entirely cut off from society; and such a monk, upon his profession, renounces solemnly all secular concerns: and besides, as the popish clergy exclaimed an exemption from the duties of civil life, and the commands of the temporal magistrate, the genius of the English law would not suffer those persons to enjoy the benefits of society, who secluded themselves from it, and refused to submit to its regulations.25 A monk is therefore accounted civiliter mortuus , and when he enters into religion may, like other dying men, make his testament and executors; or, if he makes none, the ordinary may grant administration to his next of kin, as if he were actually dead intestate.


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We will see more and more activist government policies that distinguish economic activities according to the nationality of the actors.


If we can prove the independence of an axiomatic system, then we can guarantee the conciseness of this system, ie.


You can save 1,200 pounds of carbon dioxide if you cut down your garbage by 10%.
