英语人>网络例句>大写字母 相关的搜索结果


与 大写字母 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A-Za-z\w+ means the first character should be alphabetic, i.e., either A–Z or a–z, followed by at least one alphanumeric character.


Capital letters are used for the names of people and places (john smith, paris, oxford street, new south wales, the black sea, the iron duke); the names of peoples and languag-es and derived words directly relating to them (englishman, austrian, french, swahili, americanize); the names of institutions and institutional groups (the crown, the government, the british museum, the house of representatives, the department of trade); the names of religious institutions and denominations and their adherents (judaism, nonconformism, methodist, protestants) and of societies and organizations; the names of months and days; abstract qualities personified the face of nature, o death!


Within each group, if the second element of the group is NoSymbol, then the group should be treated as if the second element were the same as the first element, except when the first element is an alphabetic KEYSYM ''K'' for which both lowercase and uppercase forms are defined.

在每个组中,如果该组的第二个元素是 NoSymbol,那么该组应该视为第二个元素与第一个元素相同,除非当第一个元素是一个小写字母和大写字母都定义了的字母KEYSYM "K"。

Is a capital letter, or upper case, and t is lower case.


Capital A great A many medieval manuscripts are in majuscule script .


ToRoman does, in fact, always return uppercase, because romanNumeralMap defines the Roman numeral representations as uppercase.

toRoman 通过,事实上所有返回值都是大写的事实上toRoman 的返回值总是大写的,因为 romanNumeralMap 定义的罗马字符都是以大写字母表示的。

Conversion between mixed-case and capwords is, of course, just an issue of lowercasing or uppercasing the first character, as appropriate


Some commonly agreed findings of legibility research include: text set in lower case is more legible than text set all in upper case, presumably because lower case letter structures and word shapes are more distinctive, having greater saliency with the presence of extenders (ascenders, descenders and other projecting parts); regular upright type is found to be more legible that italics, contrast, without dazzling brightness, has also been found to be important, with black on yellow/cream being most effective; positive images are easier to read than negative or reversed; the upper portions of letters play a stonger part than the lower portions in the recognition process; legibility is compromised by letterspacing, word spacing and leading that are too tight or too loose.

在易读性研究方面达成的共识包括:小写字母的文本要比全大写字母的文本易读,大致是由于小写字母的结构和词语形状更容易区分,特征更明显——带有延展性的笔画(ascenders上伸笔画, descenders下伸笔画、以及其他的伸展性笔画部件);标准体字形的易读性要优于斜体;对比很重要——不要用那些耀眼的发光效果;在黄色/奶油色底上使用黑色文字最有效;阳文要比阴文易读;在识别过程中,字母的上部形状要比下部形状发挥更重要的作用;字母间距、词间距和行间距太密集或太松散也会降低易读性。

Some commonly agreed findings of legibility research include: text set in lower case is more legible than text set all in upper case, presumably because lower case letter structures and word shapes are more distinctive, having greater saliency with the presence of extenders (ascenders, descenders and other projecting parts); regular upright type is found to be more legible that italics, contrast, without dazzling brightness, has also been found to be important, with black on yellow/cream being most effective; positive images are easier to read than negative or reversed; the upper portions of letters play a stonger part than the lower portions in the recognition process; legibility is compromised by letterspacing, word spacing and leading that are too tight or too loose.

在易读性研究方面达成的共识包括:小写字母的文本要比全大写字母的文本易读,大致是由于小写字母的结构和词语形状更容易区分,特征更明显——带有延展性的笔画(ascenders上伸笔画, descenders下伸笔画、以及其他的伸展性笔画部件);标准体字形的易读性要优于斜体;对比很重要——不要有那些耀眼的发光效果;在黄色/奶油色底上使用黑色文字最有效;阳文要比阴文易读;在识别过程中,字母的上部形状要比下部形状发挥更重要的作用;字母间距、词间距和行间距太密集或太松散也会降低易读性。

Printers once kept the type for capitals and for small letters in separate cases; capitals were kept in the upper half of the type case and so became known as upper-case letters.

排版工人一度将大写字母和小写字母活字置于不同的格盘中;大写字模放在格盘上的上半方,故而又称为&upper-case letter&。

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But in the course of internationalization, they meet with misunderstanding and puzzlement.


Inorder toaccomplish this goal as quickly as possible, we'll beteamingup with anexperienced group of modelers, skinners, and animatorswhosenames willbe announced in the coming weeks.


They answered and said to him, Are you also from Galilee?

7:52 他们回答他说,难道你也是出于加利利么?