英语人>网络例句>向西北的 相关的搜索结果


与 向西北的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A mountainous region of central and northern Scotland extending northwest and including the Grampian Mountains.


A mountainous region of central and northern Scotland extending northwest and including the ''.'Grampian'.


By the following morning the short grass plains are abandoned. Males, females and young push northwest in large herds.


FUNG-WONG will track NNW to N along the western periphery of the subtropical ridge in the remainder of the forecast period.


VAMCO is expected to travel NNW along the western periphery of the eastern subtropical ridge.

预料环高将沿东部副热带高压脊西面向西北偏北移动,当其越过位於北纬 30 度附近的脊线时将开始转向。

The Pacific Plate grinds northwestward past the North American Plate at a rate of about two inches per year.


Inching northwestward toward the coast at 10 kmph, strong winds and heavy rainstorms are expected to lash most of Zhejiang and east and north of Fujian.


However, models start to diverge after t+72, with some depicting recurvature as the ridge will not be strong enough to prevent NIDA from penetrating.

数值模式对 72 小时后的预测路径出现分歧,部分模式预计副热带高压脊将未能大幅增强,而令妮妲继续向西北甚至转为北移。

As 11W advances to the west, it will be positioned SW of the ridge that makes it travel in a NW direction, after which it can follow a recurvature pattern as it will be situated at the western side of the retreating subtropical ridge.


Graduated from prestigious St. Albans Prep School in Washington DC, and earned scholarship to Northwestern.


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What are your goals and strategies for growth?


And unto the angel of the church in Sardis write; These things saith he that hath the seven irits of God, and the seven star I know thy works, that thou hast a name that thou livest, and art dead.

3:1 你要写信给撒狄教会的使者,说,那有神的七灵和七星的,说,我知道你的行为,按名你是活的,其实是死的。

"It is a testament to making sure unemployment compensation is available, making sure we are looking out for people who have lost their jobs," she said.
