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与 反对作用 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Owing to his ideas of liberalist economics, he became a representative objecting to planning economy. He stressed the roles of law in expanding order and thought that traditions were of vital importance. So he argued that the order of capitalism was the result of the evolution of traditions.


Holding high the nationalist banner against the feudalism and autocratic monarchism, the young intellectuals launched a tide of assassinations at the end of the Qing Dynasty and the Beginning of Republic of China.


On the basis of theory of human nature, they put sympathy in the center of moral philosophy.


Political or moral utilitarianism and aesthetic utilitarianism are the two main traditions in modern Chinese aesthetics. The former considers aesthetics and art to be tools for political struggles or moral preachment, and requires them to "serve"directly for political or moral purposes, while the latter, taking aesthetics for the sake of life, or thus a life concept of aesthetics, is against the consideration of aesthetics and art to be tools for politics or morality, and requires them to affect intrinsically the improvement of life state. Liang Qichao is the direct ideological source in the end of the 19〓 century for the former, while Wang Guowei the founder for the latter.


It objects the literary theory of neo-classicalism arid is greatly influenced by the pantheism of naturalism. Emotionalism has greatly promoted 19th century Romanist poetry, which is expressed in the immanent amalgamation of aestheticism with the "deity" of nation.


This did little for the Russian-speaking east, not to mention Crimea, which still has not been fully integrated into Ukraine (and which includes Sebastopol, host to Russia's Black Sea Fleet until its lease runs out in 2017). Mr Yushchenko objected to Russia's version of history, but he too was ideological.


Toddy Beamish opposed everything he said by a monotonous but effective "So you say," and drove him to the limit of his patience.


The EU advocates a multipolar world structure and the democratization of international relations, a commitment to multilateralism, strengthening the role of the United Nations, stressed that all countries should respect international law, that respect the pluralistic world of civilization, and oppose power politics, unilateralism, unipolarity, and a country strategy values to dominate the world.


Weigel is not about to differ from Kwitny's opinion that John Paul II is the person most responsible for the fall of totalitarian communism in Europe, but he stresses even more the pope's role as the premier evangelist of Christianity in our time, tirelessly seeking, in his dealings with the world's politicians, to assure the welfare of any Christians anywhere who are enduring persecution and other hardships and, in his colloquies with religious leaders, to unify the Christian church and to pacify and warm relations between Christianity and other religions.


Great writer in Italy in B, once for opposing the church asceticism to do the enormous contribution with the woman's rights liberation, and also the push that develop rises into the at that time literature renew enormous function.


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I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
