英语人>网络例句>双 相关的搜索结果

与 双 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The dual-band differential LNA use Inductive source degeneration structure, a matching network is used for the LNA to develop dual-band. The micro-mixer use a matching network shunt and parallel LC elements to develop wide-band matching. The biasing method reduces the"voltage headroom" difficulties inherent to the Gilbert cell, and the mixer linearity can be improved using this biasing method "Charge -Injection"by accurate adjustment of the input MOSFET operating point. The complementary VCO based on 2.5GHz, and tuning output buffer to approach 2GHz/5GHz dual-band for dual-band down-converter with MMIC technology.

其中频差动低杂讯放大器,本电路用Inductive Source Degeneration 架构,在匹配网上设计,使低杂讯放大器工作在个频带上达成频带的效果;CMOS 微混频器上采用LC串联、并联电路做匹配,达到宽频匹配的效果,并加入了"Charge-Injection"的方法来改善"voltage headroom"的问题,并同时提高线性度的表现;互补式压控振荡器以2.5GHz为基频的振荡器为出发点,透过电路的调整,以期达成2.5/5GHz的频带需求,能够完整达成频带接收机系统。

Consider the dependencies between the coefficients and their parents, a non-Gaussian bivariate distribution is given, and corresponding nonlinear threshold function is derived from the model using Bayesian estimation theory. According to non-subsampled Contourlet transform and bivariate threshold function, a novel Non-Subsampled Contourlet Transform based on Bivariate threshold function for image denoising is proposed. This scheme achieves enhanced estimation results for images that are corrupted with additive Gaussian noise over a wide range of noise variance.


Results The ISR sequence of Bifidobacterium longum containing 568 bp,was the same as Bifidobacterium breve and they were different from Bifidobacterium adolescentis and Bifidobacterium infantis which were only 510 bp.

结果长歧杆菌和短歧杆菌16S~23S rDNA ISR序列一致,全长568个碱基对;青春歧杆菌与婴儿歧杆菌序列一致,全长510个碱基对。

In this paper the features of constructional details and behaviors of double thin-wall piers of continuous rigid frame bridges were firstly analyzed. According to the condition of deformation compatibility, a relationship between the inner forces on the coping of pier and the single inner forces of the double thin wall pier was established.


Base on the analysis of the grating linear displacement measurement theory,t he measure errors especially the subdivision error of the grating scale,this paper focuses on the theory of switch and merge of dual grating scales'signals,builds the design criteria of high speed high precision displacement measurement by using dual grating sales,designs the switch picking reference with high precision and fast switch and merge method,analyses the errors brought in by switch and merge of the duals grating scales.


Consequences of the rotation of DNA are illustrated in Figure 9.17 in the twin domain model for transcription. As RNA polymerase pushes forward along the double helix, it generates positive supercoils ahead and leaves negative supercoils behind. For each


Through hydraulic calculation, determines and tests mean friction resistance of riser and horizontal branch circuit of new two-pipe heating system, provides reference for its hydraulic design calculation.


Firstly, this paper discusses the development actuality of the research on double-front axle steering system and power-train of automobile. Based on the structure of the design experiences from others, the kinematics formula of double-front axle steering system is fetched, and the mathematical model of optimization design of double rocking arms mechanism and steering trapezium mechanism is established by space geometry method. Considering the difference between the real steering angle from wheels and the ideal steering angle from the ideal formula as the objective function, the optimization design method of double-front axle steering system is presented.


Starting from the feet and working up, I'm wearing: a pair of cotton socks, with a pair of thermal socks over them; a pair of ankle-high Gore-Tex boots; a set of thermal long-johns; a pair of jeans; a thermal undershirt (a present from a worried family member); a long-sleeved T-shirt; a tight-fitting cashmere jumper; a fleece; a padded winter coat with hood; a thin pair of woollen gloves (so that when I take the outer pair off to take photographs I won't expose naked flesh); a pair of gloves made of wool and Thinsulate; a wool scarf; and a woolly football hat.

我从脚上到头顶穿的是:一棉袜、外套一保暖袜;一到脚踝的 Gore-Tex 牌靴子;一套保暖长内裤;一条牛仔裤;一件保暖内衣(这是一位不放心的家人送的礼物);一件长袖 T 恤;一件紧身高领羊绒衫;一件羊皮茄克;一件带垫衬和帽子的冬大衣;一薄羊毛手套(这样我把外层手套脱下拍照的时候,手不会暴露在外);一用羊毛和保温材料做的手套;一条羊毛围巾;一顶羊毛足球帽。

Results:Osteoblasts has the ability of transmembrane transport of metformin. The transport of metformin could be saturable with time and drug concentration adding;a certain range of temperature and pH can promote the transport of metformin;The transport of metformin was inhibited by cimetidine and phenformin,but promoted by verapamil;Oct1 but no Oct2 was expressed extensively in cell membrane and cytoplasm of osteoblasts;The protein level of Oct1 can be up-regulated by metformin with different drug concentrations and times,but no obvious differentces from each group.


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The reasons of iron ions content overproof in grade Ⅱ desalting water system,such as variation water quality,contamination of regenerant , operation adjustment of pretreatment system and switching operation of bed were discussed.


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