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与 主 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In addition, according to Qing Dynasty Gongbu archives, the author clarifies the construction of the Qintianjian yashu which possessed one hundred and ten rooms, including the 协政堂 xiezhengtang,主薄厅 zhuboting,五官厅 wuguanting,宪书房 xianshufang,司书厅 sishufang,时宪科 shixianke,天文科 tianwenke,漏刻科 loukeke for routine,板库; banku for storing the book boards and 斋戒房 zhaijiefang,土地庙 tudimiao, etc., for sacrifice and enshrinement.


In addition, according to Qing Dynasty Gongbu archives, the author clarifies the construction of the Qintianjian yashu which possessed one hundred and ten rooms, including the 协政堂 xiezhengtang ,主薄厅 zhuboting ,五官厅 wuguanting ,宪书房 xianshufang ,司书厅 sishuting ,时宪科 shixianke ,天文科 tianwenke ,漏刻科 loukeke for routine;板库 banku for storing the book boards and 斋戒房 zhaijiefang ,土地庙 tudimiao , etc., for sacrifice and enshrinement.


I also do not have armed forces when the United States Marshal, and I changed when the United States total舵主mercifulness can also help!


The paper fristly analyzed the reason of mine air reversing in Liangbei coal mine of Xinlong Coal Industry Corporation,which based on mensuration of mine ventilation resistance and spontaneousness wind pressure,and then the measures of preventing the air reversing was put forward.

在对新龙矿业集团公司梁北煤矿的矿井通风阻力测定和自然风压测量的基础上,找出梁北煤矿2007年1月气温突降后所引起的井风流反向的要原因,推导出导致风流反向的基本条件,提出在副井至-550 m运输石门之间增加调节设施以增大副井的风阻、增大要通风机机械风压、在井下安装压风机人为增大井的机械风压、减少井附近热源、对井的风流进行降温处理和对副井的进风流进行预热以减少副井之间的风流平均密度差等防止风流反向的控制措施,从而使井恢复正常的进风状态,消除了矿井安全生产的严重隐患

Chi MM: red bean, beauty, Rosa de Tears, pride * off butterflies dance * Ella, after another pride **, a small woman, dream ~仙儿, elegant language of the wire, ice tea, sadness ~ darling, tenderness * long,* little bit of pride, pride * baby, Xiao-Ming, Murong Xiangxiang, Nannan Xiaoxiang, SweetGirl, kissed ME darling, Providence, dancing Costume, take me to see the sea, on the Angels, AG twilight sleep,赵灵儿, the wizard of the heart, jasmine, tenderness *糖糖, hearts *飞儿, elegant language of silk,* love the small language *, beauty | the world, sparkling heart, Xiong toot,宫主the走丢,眼波children ~ Mae, pure Apple.


The best election a man can make is to the place of his habitation: for if the Ascendant of the City he dwells in be the place of his Ascendant, he will have his health well; if the Mid-heaven, he will come to preferment; if it be the place of the Sun in the Nativity, he will undoubtedly obtain honour and dignities; if of Jupiter he will grow rich; if of the Moon he will be very happy in most respects there.


The experiment of the auxiliary heated arc plasma generator shows that thekey arc root has contraction under the condition of having magnetic field when thekey arc root is at the edge of the cathode surface.


Chapter Two illustrates the nature of the international guarantee.At first,the writer analyses the meaning of collateral nature and its theoretical basis.Thewriter points out that in order to reinforce the protection of the guarantor'sinterest,the guarantee is located as collateral guarantee in all countries'traditional legislation.In other words,the validity of the guarantee contract isdetermined by the underlying contract,i.e.if the underlying contract isestablished,the guarantee contract is established,too;if the underlying contract isvalid,and the guarantee contract is valid too.It is true,otherwise.But thedoctrine of autonomy of private law dominates the civil law and commercial lawin all the countries,so the parties are permitted to alter the collateral nature of theguarantee by an agreement under the related laws worldwide.so the collateralnature of the guarantee is not the compulsory nature of the law.This lays a solidfoundation for the emerging of the independent guarantee.The writer thenanalyses the meaning of independence and the cause of the booming of theindependent guarantee.In fact,the independent guarantee was originated fromthe change of the collateral nature by the parties contract.As a result,the validityof the contract of independent guarantee is not determined by the underlyingcontract as the collateral guarantee,But the validity of the independent guaranteecontract is independent from the underlying contract,the establishment and thevalidity of the contract of independent guarantee are not subjected to theunderlying contract.


NO·1层: No girl 主 have to marry 谓 a man 宾 whose continue title have the alike initial as ITs ,定语语法 for, as the rhyme goes,"Change 状语语法 the title but not the letter, marry for worse instead of preferable."

要点 这是个从复合句。for是连接词,引导状语语法。as the rhyme goes是插入语,插在for和它引导的语法之间,造成for和它引导的语法的分离,中文英语互译时,可译成唯一谓框架。译文妞妞不该嫁给与本人的姓的首字母相同的人,因该正如一首童谣所说:改姓不改首字母,婚后必将受其苦。

NO·1层: No girl 主 have to marry 谓 a man 宾 whose continue title have the alike initial as ITs ,定语语法 for, as the rhyme goes,"Change 状语语法 the title but not the letter, marry for worse instead of preferable."

要点 这是个从复合句。for是连接词,引导状语语法。as the rhyme goes是插入语,插在for和它引导的语法之间,造成for和它引导的语法的分离,中英对译时,可译成唯一谓框架。译文妞妞不该嫁给与本人的姓的首字母相同的人,因该正如一首童谣所说:改姓不改首字母,婚后必将受其苦。

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The physiology of the skin machine body for the sake of the environment in the maintenance stability, but eject a body metabolism creation of metabolism thing BE'grease', summer perspire many various skin disease light or good, autumn perspire little metabolism thing metabolism don't go out, various skin disease made, this be the skin machine body of various burning disease.


If I had anything tender in me, I shot it dead.


The argumentation way in which this literary grace using is based on color painting, setting out from two angles separately " color"、" ink and wash", making criticizition in texts of Chinese ancient drawing history; analyzing how "color" painting was on the way from ripe to losing; emphatically analyzing the reason of losing in color center, that is to say the reason of "the change of ink and wash ", and its reconstructional way of combination, development with "ink and wash" it was "replaced" by the afterward manner. In a word, the developing "replaced"by the afterward manner.
