英语人>网络例句>专制者 相关的搜索结果


与 专制者 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It is a cunning device to supersede the aristocracy, and make the king sole and absolute autocrat


There he met Kim Jong Il, the grim-faced leader of arguably the world's most repressive regime and a defiant nuclear bomb-tester to boot.


His critics lamented that this man, so bullishly authoritarian and neoconservative, had once been quite different.


Military despotism,unfortunately,is too likely in its nature to be permanent,and it is not true that it depends on the life of the first usurper.


Die Sperren im Internet und die Kontrolle von Informationen seien verschrft worden.


At each point along the way, the nations where men of enterprise were most free to pursue wealth and/or knowledge slowly pulled ahead of those autocracies and theocracies that stifled individual ambitions.

不如将&血腥&后移,修饰&扩张&,不悖原意---译者)在历史发展进程中,凡其国民锐意进取者有最大自由追求财富和知识的国家,比起那些压制个人雄心壮志的专制统治及神权统治的国家,总能缓慢地却不断地积跬步之先。(这句不难懂,但不好译。如何译出at each point, slowly pulled ahead?这里采用&积跬步之先&模糊地译出---译者

Even those to whom his great strength had been a burden, those whom he had overshadowed, admitted when he had departed from the scene and they were faced with other orators and demagogues, that never again would they see a character of such precious moderation and such eminent humility; and that power which in their envy they had described as autocracy and tyranny, seemed to them now the very cornerstone of the survival of the State.


Blatter was in and out of Bahrain, at the invitation of the Crown Prince, Beijing and Pyongyang where he schmoozed reclusive dictator Kim Jong-Il.


I'm reminded that deliberation and the constitutional order may sometimes be the luxury of the powerful, and that it has sometimes been the cranks, the zealots, the prophets, the agitators, and the unreasonable—in other words, the absolutists—that have fought for a new order.


But, partially in response to these developments, authoritarians have regrouped and are adapting and modernizing their repressive practices.


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I hope you can acquire blessedness...
