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与 不放荡的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Will he be tempted by the dark path of debauchery, or will he use his power to stop the upcoming sacrifice?


The wild sex life of the old Greeks and Romans was tame compared to some of the goings-on in this country, even in places where people might least expect it.


The movie Secondhand Lions is about a young boy with a loose, selfish, maternally challenged mother.


A unique playground for the extravagant, designed for affable debauchery and indulgent fun, without pretentiousness but exuding an abundance of class and style, it is the ultimate destination for major players and glitterati alike.


Or his insubordination to the river-god, on whose divinity he is ready to lay hands; or his offering to the dead Patroclus of his own hair, which had been previously dedicated to the other river-god Spercheius, and that he actually performed this vow; or that he dragged Hector round the tomb of Patroclus, and slaughtered the captives at the pyre; of all this I cannot believe that he was guilty, any more than I can allow our citizens to believe that he, the wise Cheiron's pupil, the son of a goddess and of Peleus who was the gentlest of men and third in descent from Zeus, was so disordered in his wits as to be at one time the slave of two seemingly inconsistent passions, meanness, not untainted by avarice, combined with overweening contempt of gods and men.


Bob lives together since childhood with Harker is adding the iris town, was the Harker childhood's playmate, the stature is not high, the hair from was born curls the volume, the eye was very big, the skin was very white, always likes putting on the suspenders trousers' his stature not to be high actually has the keen skill, the present is the brave warrior number operates the rudder, raised casually in here, the brave warrior number was their pirate ship, was also their family, in here, had the partner billy always to put on the identical set of western-style clothes, not the big bow tie, he was very actually graceful, high stature, fair skin, beautiful blue color eye, high bridge of the nose, will smile will let the human remember the fine thing, he will have gentleman's quiet and tasteful, also will have free man's profligate being unable to restrain, no matter which young lady let perhaps the woman looks could be infatuated with his -- him to be skilled in the seacraft, could precise draw each sea area the sailing chart, he was the brave warrior number navigation teacher, partner Du duly, the braid has covered entirely on his head, his eye a little looked like a bean, both hands is not big, actually could make compared to imperial palace delicacy food, what was worth mentioning, he was a thin person -- also has the partner to love Milly, he was Bob's younger sister, beautifulLong curl, big and attractive brown eye, long, but curls the eyelash, the beautiful skin, the beautiful beautiful fascinating' winsome's stature dances lightly in the sea!


And it is the purpose of civil government to establish "laws as shall best preserve true Christian and civil liberty, in opposition to all unchristian, licentious, and unjust practices, whereby God may have his due, Caesar his due, and the people their due, from tyranny and oppression.


Their parties abroad were less varied than before; and at home she had a mother and sister whose constant repinings at the dullness of every thing around them threw a real gloom over their domestic circle; and, though Kitty might in time regain her natural degree of sense, since the disturbers of her brain were removed, her other sister, from whose disposition greater evil might be apprehended, was likely to be hardened in all her folly and assurance by a situation of such double danger as a watering place and a camp. Upon the whole, therefore, she found what has been sometimes found before, that an event to which she had looked forward with impatient desire, did not, in taking place, bring all the satisfaction she had promised herself.


For the time past of our life may suffice us to have wrought the will of the Gentiles, when we walked in lasciviousness, lusts, excess of wine, revellings, banquetings, and abominable idolatries: Wherein they think it strange that ye run not with them to the same excess of riot, speaking evil of you: Who shall give account to him that is ready to judge the quick and the dead.


If we tried to describe the vulgarized world of media entertainment today, we could think of no better words than those used in this description of Israel's folly.


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I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
