英语人>网络例句>zero 相关的网络例句
与 zero 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Orange will head for Ashford Academy; the students will ignore his request to see Zero.


This can be attained immortality by suffering such magic in Capetown, hack, date and challenges, smashing, and that they could be from the East, South, West, North, has left. Several right direction issued, once this one could escape down for zero...


Definite evidence that Zero was in fact the one who murdered His Highness Prince Clovis has yet to be presented.


Rae's voice is almost impossibly gorgeous, effortlessly breathing life into every word. The smooth production recalls the languid, laidback vibe of Zero 7, and indeed the Sia comparisons have already begun, but there's much more to Rae than tasteful 'coffee-table' music.

肯妮贝儿那璀璨华丽的美嗓令人感到不可置信,不费吹灰之力就把栩栩人生唱进歌里的字里行间;她那平滑舒缓的音乐制作风格,令人联想到闲散慵懒之风独具的 Zero 7,相信从此以后会不断的被拿来互作比较;但肯妮贝儿相较於悦耳的咖啡厅音乐,肯定是多了许多音乐内涵的。

It's like a more fun, less repetitive, and danceable Year Zero.

这部分如同一张增强趣味性、减少重复性以及舞曲化的《Year Zero》专辑。

Zero: Snake, I know how you're feeling. It's hard for me to believe, too - that a legendary hero like The Boss would go over to the Russians, that she'd double cross us like this...

Zero: Snake ,我明白你的感受,其实我也很难去相信,像The Boss那样的传奇英雄会投靠俄国,她就这样欺骗了我们。

Building its free-flowing narrative around the controversial Patient Zero theory, as the ghost of Zero, allegedly that first man that brought AIDS to North America, begins to haunt Victorian explorer Sir Richard Burton, an anthropologist who drank from the fountain of youth and is working as chief taxidermist at the Natural history museum in Toronto.

今回走入爱滋病源头,一反当年谬误,派出活多一百岁的博物馆搞手,为「零号病人」翻案(当年指第一个将爱滋病从非洲带入北美的正是法籍加拿大空中少爷"Patient Zero"),为他筹办展览,於是与他的亡魂相遇、相识而相恋!

Position the cursor to the " aintenance Options" options, and then press the Enter-key in the sub-interface, the cursor position to the " tilities" option, to car will be asked to select the hard disk repair, now can choose their own needs, and then press Enter to enter the sub-interface, the cursor position to the "Zero Fill Drive"(zero-filled disk) option, and press enter button will appear after the red warning message.

将光标定位到"aintenance Options"选项,然后按回车键,在出现的次级界面中,将光标定位到"tilities"选项,回车后系统会要求选择需要修复的硬盘,此时可以根据自己的需要进行选择,然后按回车进入次级界面,将光标定位到"Zero Fill Drive"选项,按回车键后会出现红色的警告信息。

From this, we can now figure out that "Year Zero" is a serious concept album, set in the year 2022, which has been rechristened by the government as 0000 or Year Zero, see?

在此,玩家可以猜出&Year Zero&是一个严肃的专辑概念,设定在2022年,被政府重新取名Year Zero,也就是0000。

According to the Beijing traffic management bureau, 103 people have died in 87 crashes involving drunk drivers in Beijing this year. Under the " zero tolerance " campaign launched by the Ministry of Public Security, drivers who get behind the wheel after drinking face severe penalties.

在上面的报道中, zero tolerance 就是指&零容忍&,zero tolerance 来源于'broken window' theory,就是说一扇窗户被打破了一直没有人管的话,就会有更多窗户被打破,所以要从开始就对这种行为采取&零容忍&政策,一旦触犯就要严惩。

第1/100页 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... > 尾页
Zero Dark Thirty
Triple Zero
Zero She Flies
Countdown To Zero
Non-Zero Possibility
#1 Zero
Love Minus Zero, No Limit
Zero Zero
Euro Zero Zero
Zero Zero UFO

I put some current in side the surface and use two planes to cut the surface, then made two Amperian loops, then do integral on Theta.


Toucans|for this musical revue in Brazil.

知道吗 我以前去找能唱歌的鸟|为巴西的音乐剧找巨嘴鸟

Description:描述: You're a treasure seeker in search of lost tombs and temples that you learned about from some old papyrus scrolls.
