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Both push the limits of human survival at extreme depths: one using sophisticated technology and the other just a single breath. World-class divers Dave Apperley, Pete Mesley and Tim Cashman form a team to explore the wreck of RMS Niagara, a luxury liner sunk by a German mine in 1940. For over 60 years it has remained submerged in nearly 400 feet (120 metres) of water off the northern tip of New Zealand.


They placed an inflatable jacket around the wreck as it lay on the seabed. Then by filling the jacket with air we raised the wreck to the surface.


So then after that they drifted on to the wreck off Daunt's rock, wreck of that illfated Norwegian barque nobody could think of her name for the moment till the jarvey who had really quite a look of Henry Campbell remembered it Palme on Booterstown strand.


So then after that they drifted on to the wreck of daunt s rock , wreck of that illfated norwegian barque - nobody could think of her name for the moment till the jarvey who had really quite a look of henry campbell remembered it , palme , on booterstown strand , that was the talk of the town that year albert william quill wrote a fine piece of original verse of distinctive merit on the topic for the irish times breakers running over her and crowds and crowds on the shore in commotion petrified with horror


She was a-visiting there at Booth's Landing, and just in the edge of the evening she started over with her nigger woman in the horse-ferry to stay all night at her friend's house, Miss What-you-may-call-her I disremember her name -- and they lost their steeringoar, and swung around and went a-floating down, stern first, about two mile, and saddle-baggsed on the wreck, and the ferryman and the nigger woman and the horses was all lost, but Miss Hooker she made a grab and got aboard the wreck.

" "她是走亲戚去的。在步斯渡口。正是黄昏时分,她和黑女佣上了渡骡马的渡船,准备在一个朋友家住一晚上,那个朋友叫什么什么小姐来着,名字我记不住了。渡船上的人丢了掌舵的桨,船就打圈圈,往下游漂去,船尾朝前,漂了两英里多路,碰到那条破船上,就给撞翻了。摆渡的和黑女佣以及一些马匹,全都冲走了。

It was now calm, and I had a great mind to venture out in my Boat, to this Wreck; not doubting but I might find something on board, that might be useful to me; but that did not altogether press me so much, as the Possibility that there might be yet some living Creature on board, whose Life I might not only save, but might by saving that Life, comfort my own to the last Degree; and this Thought clung so to my Heart, that I could not be quiet, Night or Day, but I must venture out in my Boat on board this Wreck; and committing the rest to God's Providence, I thought the Impression was so strong upon my Mind, that it could not be resisted, that it must come from some invisible Direction, and that I should be wanting to my self if I did not go.


Buoy a wreck ...用浮标指出沉船所在处 cannibalize a wrecked airplane for a replacement of parts in another plane...

拆下飞机残骸的零件以便修理另一飞机时使用 card wreck

The group has toured extensively and appeared on The Ed Sullivan Show twice, providing worldwide exposure to "Ramblin' Wreck from Georgia Tech".

该合唱队的足迹遍布各地,并两次在Ed Sullivan节目中亮相,向全球展示源自乔治亚理工学院的Ramblin' Wreck音乐。

The school's intercollegiate competitive sports teams, the Yellow Jackets, and the nationally recognized fight song "Ramblin' Wreck from Georgia Tech", have helped keep Georgia Tech in the national spotlight.

该校的校队&小黄蜂&受到全国瞩目,其队歌(Ramblin' Wreck from Georgia Tech)也闻名全国。

So then after that they drifted on to the wreck of daunt s rock , wreck of that illfated norwegian barque - nobody could think of her name for the moment till the jarvey who had really quite a look of henry campbell remembered it , palme , on booterstown strand , that was the talk of the town that year albert william quill wrote a fine piece of original verse of distinctive merit on the topic for the irish times breakers running over her and crowds and crowds on the shore in commotion petrified with horror


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Wreck Of The Day
Wreck Of The Day (Acoustic Version)
Deportee (Plane Wreck At Los Gatos)
Wreck This Heart
Wreck On The Highway
Deportee (Plane Wreck At Los Gatos)
Wreck Room
Wreck Of The Old '97
Wreck Of The Old '97
Train Wreck

Next time I see you,I shall give you a black eye.


In this paper,design scheme of classification system of wood surface color is established.


With a few exceptions (a sea-monster attack seems to go on forever), this is where the film outdoes its predecessor.
