英语人>网络例句>will 相关的网络例句
与 will 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

2 This paper will explore the analytical com ponents and anomalies of admiralty jurisdiction as it re lates to marine insurance and will conjugate, if you will, the'irregular verb' that constitutes admiralty ju risdiction of marine insurance contracts.

这段文字同样较为通顺,但其中也有语体不够一致的地方,特别是在严谨、庄重的书面表达中,突然插入if you will,I think,my study,the saying…等这类比较口语化的词语,便造成两种不同语体的混用。

We will never parley ; we will never negotiate with Hitler or any of his gang.

这里的shall 也是一种决心与意志,但比will的气势不知强几倍。

For the first time in his career, Will has turned his attention to the human voice, working with singers from around the world to create a whole new idiom of music, much as he did in creating Windham Hill's sound in 1976.The impetus for HEARING VOICES actually harkens back to 1998 when Will teamed with Ugandan singer Samite for a track on the album, SOUND OF WIND DRIVEN RAIN.

如同他1976 年创立" Windham Hill之声"一样,作为他职业生涯中的首次尝试,他已将注意力转向人类的声音,他与来自世界各地的歌手合作,创造出一个全新的音乐风格。1998年Will和乌干达歌手Samite合作录制了专辑《Sound of wind driven rain疾风暴雨之音》,此举大大推进了名为"Hearing Voices"的特色音乐。

Again such as:The the dog that will fetch a bone will carry a bone at translate Chinese language, the typeface image dog, bones in which can't transliterate, can abandon its typeface meaning and the image meaning only, translating an implicit meaning:" Say the person of other people's ill to you, also will say your bad live".

又如:the dog that will fetch a bone will carry a bone在译成汉语时,其中的字面形象dog、bone都不能直译,只能舍弃它的字面意义和形象意义,译出隐含意义:"对你说别人坏话的人,也会说你的坏活"。

Will hasn't been hearing is ungrammatical because of the wrong syntax; it should be will not have been hearing .

Bronzeage 的" will hasn't been hearing "是明显的错误,却懒得去指出,认为他是粗心错误。

If that is done by the Forces Vives, he is going to meet other counterparts to ask them the same questions, so he can make a kind of document which will comprise all diversions of points of view, and in that he will have something which will pave the way for the exit from this crisis.


One day, Professor Lambeau sees Will writing the answer to a problem on the chalkboard, but Will runs away before they can talk.


One day, Professor Lambeau sees Will writing the answer to a problem on the chalkboard, but Will runs away before they can talk.


Lambeau arranges with a judge to keep Will out of jail, as long as Will agrees to work on mathematical problems and to get psychological help.


From a rousing, raucous tune to a melancholy Irish air, Will's incomparable tin whistle will bring you home to Ireland, and once there, will capture your heart and soul forever more.


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I Will Be Yours
I Will Be There
Who Will Buy?
Que Sera, Sera (Whatever Will Be, Will Be)
You Will. You? Will. You? Will. You? Will.
I Will Hide Myself Away/I Will Follow
When Will Will Be Married?
I Will Talk, Hollywood Will Listen
I Will. I Will. I Will.
Que Sera, Sera (Whatever Will Be, Will Be)

If Pentium 4 used to be the master of all games built on Quake3 engine, now the situation has changed completely.


No, this is not what we mean by framing, although the principle is the same.


As we walked up a steep, rocky trail, he fell and uttered a mild expletive.
