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What all our Party comrades must realize in this connection is that the serious cases of capitulation, anti-communism and retrogression which have occurred in various places should not be viewed in isolation .


When viewed from above the dome is circular in shape, whereas the anticline is an elongated fold


EST electrophoresis shows EST is an important antidotal enzyme system and reacts strong to environment. EST changes greatly during the whole treating period and can be viewed as pathological index of toxicity.


Those who understand the Pharisees as a society of legal and religious experts suggest that Jesus became viewed as a dangerous rival, a false teacher with antinomian tendencies.


In the twentieth century some have viewed existentialist ethics, situation ethics, and moral relativism as forms of antinomianism because these either reject or diminish the normative force of moral law.

在二十世纪里,有的看存在伦理,道德的情况,和道义上的相对论作为形式的antinomianism ,因为这些要么拒绝或削弱规范力的道德律。

Antiquarian map societies are prospering, and celestial maps are now viewed as a specialty of map collecting.


A function approximator like an ANN can be viewed as a black box, and when it comes to FANN, this is more or less all you will need to know.


Neural networks is viewed as a universal approximator for nonlinear functions, but there are some fatal bugs with it, so it is necessary to find another method more right for neutralization process.


This is fast becoming China's century, yet its leadershiphas displayed that multilateral environmental governance is not only not apriority, but is viewed as a hindrance to the new superpower's freedom ofaction.


In interviews, your vocabulary is often viewed as related to your level of education and general aptitude.


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I think he's learned how to approach hitters....

Johhny Damon说,『他已是最好的了,再没有人能够比他做的更好,我想他的球技已经完全成熟了,而且他也已经学会了如何去对付和压迫各种打击者。。。。。。

In effect, an 18 foot King Cobra could actually look down onto the average human being.


I used this great program before and I think it is one of the best Registry cleaners out there.
