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与 valley 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The local river valley cultural tourism researches contain the shortage of three aspects: Did not put forward the concept of the river valley cultural tourism exclusively; Did not thoroughly and delicately discuss the river valley cultural tourism development combining with the river valley characteristics, the cultural characteristics; describing is a lot but quantitative analysis is little, the cultural tourism studies disjoints with river valley, the conclusion of river valley culture tourism development is little.


Through the 1960s exploitation films broke down the boundaries of sexual subject matter along with , but consistently ahead of , Hollywood films ; the genre of taboo topics merged with the mainstream when Meyer ," King of the Nudies ,"directed Beyond the Valley of the Dolls (1970) for Twentieth Century-Fox .

而当有&裸露片之王&称号的梅耶在1970 年为二十世纪福克斯公司拍摄了影片《Beyond the Valley of the Dolls》,从某种意义上标志着性题材影片进入了主流视野。

The road led across the Monkey Ridge into the Russian Valley and thence in a southern direction toward the priest's cottage.

这条通往牯岭的旧路穿过 the Monkey Ridge 并延伸进 Russian Valley ,然后向南转向 the priest's cottage 。

Based on Valley's quasi-cw approximation, the writing and erasing of gratings in materials exhibiting bulk photovoltaic effect on illumination with short light pulses is investigated.


Expect Nick Fazekas, former standout at Arvada's Ralston Valley H.S., to be part of the Nuggets preseason roster.

另外,尼克-费泽卡斯,这位曾经在Ralston Valley高中表现异常突出的球员,可能会出现在掘金季前赛的球员名单中。

Seriously, come over as soon as possible, may be X'mas time frame for a 5-day aerial tour of the High Sierra, the Great Basin, and then the famous Zion, Bryce Canyon, Lake Power, Monument Valley, Canyonlands and Arches National Parks.

说真的,尽速来吧,或许圣诞节期间的5天航空旅行,包括High Sierra, the Great Basin,有名的Zion, Bryce Canyon, Lake Power, Monument Valley, Canyonlands 和Arches 国家公园。

The Hoover Dam, the Tennessee Valley Authority, the interstate highway system, the Internet, the Human Genome Project—time and again, government investment has helped pave the way for an explosion of private economic activity.

曾经多次地,政府投资在胡佛水坝(Hoover Dam,位于美国内华达州的东南部跟亚利桑纳州西北部的交界处,是美国最大的人工水库,同时也是美国七大现代土木工程奇迹之一),田纳西河流域管理局(Tennessee Valley Authority,一个国有、跨州、综合开发利用田纳西河流域自然资源的管理系统),州际公路系统,互联网系统,人类基因研究计划等项目中为私营经济的腾飞铺平了道路。

At Sudbury Valley School, students from preschool through high school age explore the world freely, at their own pace and in their own unique ways.

在Sudbury Valley School,从学前到中等教育的儿童都能根据他们个人的步法和独特的方式来自由的探索世界。

Wine from The Douro Valley in Spain is both older than Bordeaux and younger than New Zealand.

西班牙Douro Valley产区的葡萄酒比波尔多地区的酒还老,品质却还不如新西兰的年轻葡萄酒。

The other day I had a lunch meeting in the San Fernando Valley. There was a literal convoy, with seven or eight vehicles, behind us.

还有一天我在San Fernando Valley吃饭,有一队记者,7/8辆汽车,跟着我们。

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Peaceful Valley
Lonesome Valley
People In The Valley
Peace In The Valley
Suddenly There's A Valley
Peace In The Valley
Lonesome Valley
Theme From Valley Of The Dolls
Harper Valley PTA
San Fernando Valley

If Pentium 4 used to be the master of all games built on Quake3 engine, now the situation has changed completely.


No, this is not what we mean by framing, although the principle is the same.


As we walked up a steep, rocky trail, he fell and uttered a mild expletive.
