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与 urethra 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

During videourodynamic study, a dilated posterior urethra and a spinning-top distal urethra can be found in patients with pelvic floor hypertonicity, indicating poor relaxtaion of the pelvic floor and urethral sphincter causing functional bladder outlet obstruction.


In the EPC repair group, 1010/L passage 3 rabbit bone marrow mononuclear cell suspension was injected to two anastomotic stomas of the new urethra, 0.1 mL for each stoma. The subcutaneous tissue was interruptedly sutured to the formed urethra using 0/6 DG suture. In addition, 0.5 mL bone marrow mononuclear cell suspension was added to the region between each anastomotic stroma and newly repaired urethra. The same procedure was performed in the model group except that bone marrow mononuclear cell suspension was replaced by cell-free medium.

细胞修复组将传至第3代的兔骨髓源单个核细胞浓度调整至1010 L-1,注射于新尿道两端的吻合口处,每处0.1 mL,0/6DG线间断缝合皮下组织覆盖成形后的尿道,并在近吻合口处和新修复尿道之中间处注射细胞悬液,每处0.5 mL;模型组在同样位点注射等量的空白细胞培养液。

Results With the new procedure, the tip of the prostate was peeled off completely without extra treatment, and this piece of the urethra,which was composed of surgical envelope, formed a vase-shaped natural surface to avoid urine irretention. The resected plane was covered by fibre and epithelium of surgical envelope,which could reduce irritation of urethra and bladder, and shorten hematuria and repair time. After enucleation of the enlarged prostate, the borderline became clear and blood supply was reduced, which facilitated the rapid resection without injury.

结果 采用新的切割方法前列腺尖部被完整剜除,无需修整,尖部尿道成为由外科包膜构成的喇叭口状自然界面,经过剜除的增生腺体,界面清楚,血供减少,利于快速切除,不易出现包膜损伤,切除效率明显提高。1000例手术顺利,术后发生短期尿道刺激症者150例,发生膀胱颈挛缩6例,尿道狭窄10例。

Urethra and seasonal factors: such as frequent urination but each time not more than urine, urine without pain expression, and no other symptoms, the first thing to consider local factors, such as inflammation of the urethra, phimosis, or pinworm such as to stimulate the genitals.


With 3D-doctor software, kidney, adrenal, ureter, abdominal aorta, inferior vena cava, the nephritic artery and vein, the lymph nodes beside abdominal aorta, thoracic duct, the intrailiac artery and vein, pelvis, spermaduct, prostate, the prostatic plexus, bladder, male urethra and internal obturator muscle were segmented and three-dimensional reconstructed in P4 computer. 3. With photoshop7.0 software, the major organs of the male urological and reproductive system such as ureter, bladder, urethra, prostate were segmented and the grey- color mode images through segmentation were imported to AMIRA software.


We reported a case of a sessile urethral hemangioma which occupied the surface of the urethra from the proximal prostatic urethra to the bulbomembranous and distal pendulous urethra.


PCR,urethrascope or biopsy was applied to some patients.52cases were seminal vesiculitis,28cases were prostatitis,29cases were genital tuberculosis,26cases were adenoma of the posterior urethra,11cases were cyst of prostate and seminal vesicle,8cases were hemospermia of postintercourse,9cases were idiopathic.They were treated by medicine,operation and adjuvant ways respectively.5cases of epididymal tuberculosis underwent epididymectomy because of deficiency of medicine.2cases of adenoma of the posterior urethra after electrotomy recured,which underwent reoperation.

诊断 精囊炎52例,前列腺炎28例,生殖系统结核29例,后尿道腺瘤26例,前列腺和精囊囊肿11例,性交后血精8例,特发性血精9例,分别给予药物、手术或对症治疗。5例附睾结核药物治疗效果不佳而行附睾切除术,后尿道腺瘤行肿瘤电灼术后复发2例,再手术后短期未见复发。

The surgery of female stress urinary incontinence has more ways,but it is essentially around two main themes:First,extense urethra,narrow urethra cavity diameter,increase urethral wall tension; Second,improve the bladder neck location,restore bladder urethra horn,recover the pressure transfer to urethra side when abdominal pressure increases,thus increase the urethral atresia pressure and length of the urethra,reach the aim to control incontinence.


Methods: Cadaveric dissections of 14 female specimens were undertaken to investigate nerves innervating urethra sphincter. Results: Continence nerves of female urethra contained branches of inferior hypogastric plexus, intrapelvic and extrapelvic branches of pudendal nerve.


Results: We obtained high-quality MRI images.Pelvis, bladder, urethra, levator, and obturator muscle can be clearly showed.We Can observe clearly the levatormorphology of the various components.The end of the iliac muscle was inverted "eight"-shaped;Suprapubic vaginal muscle was "V"-shaped; Puborectalis was "U"–shaped. Funneling at the Bladder Neck and shorter urethra were found in two patients with SUI.


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But in the course of internationalization, they meet with misunderstanding and puzzlement.


Inorder toaccomplish this goal as quickly as possible, we'll beteamingup with anexperienced group of modelers, skinners, and animatorswhosenames willbe announced in the coming weeks.


They answered and said to him, Are you also from Galilee?

7:52 他们回答他说,难道你也是出于加利利么?