英语人>网络例句>un. 相关的网络例句
与 un. 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Products and Service: DN series data-controlled alternating current projectiong welder ZDN data-controlled commutate spot welder UN data-controlled commutate spot welder DKR\DR capacitance energy storing spot welder FN alternationg and ZFNcommutate sewing welder DM direct current pulse spot welder seam welding machine of protectiong by gas for recti or cirol seam varity of special seam welding machine for poine stich AND DKR-350 capacitance energy storing spot welder has been certified whit national patent and DTN-100/DTN-150 has been honored with technology innovation award.

现主要产品有: DN系列数控交流式点凸焊机。 ZD数控次级整流式点焊机。 UN数控交流对焊机。 DKR、DR电容贮能式点焊机。 FN交流式和ZFN次级整流式缝焊机。 DM直流脉冲式电焊机。直、环缝气体保护焊接专机。各类焊接生产线。其中: DKR-350电容贮能式点焊机获国家专利。

Chretien refers to his object not as The Grail but as un graal, showing the word was used, in its earliest literary context, as a common noun.

克雷蒂安提到他的物件不是圣杯,而是 un graal ,在最早的文学文献中,还展示了所使用的词语,是作为一个普遍名词。

Let Un the Chebyshev polynomials of the second kind and the associated functions In this paper we discuss the approximations of the partial sums for the biorthogonal series based on and the corresponding conjugate series.


"The gradual decline of the most extraordinary dominion which has ever invaded and oppressed the world; the fall of that immense empire, erected on the ruins of so many kingdoms, republics, and states both barbarous and civilized; and forming in its turn, by its dismemberment, a multitude of states, republics, and kingdoms; the annihilation of the religion of Greece and Rome; the birth and the progress of the two new religions which have shared the most beautiful regions of the earth; the decrepitude of the ancient world, the spectacle of its expiring glory and degenerate manners; the infancy of the modern world, the picture of its first progress, of the new direction given to the mind and character of man -- such a subject must necessarily fix the attention and excite the interest of men, who cannot behold with indifference those memorable epochs, during which, in the fine language of Corneille --'Un grand destin commence, un grand destin s'ach ve.'"

他同时期的法国编辑Guizot先生用雄辩的语言说:那个曾经侵略和压迫全世界的最令人恐惧政权的逐步衰亡;那个辽阔帝国的覆灭,在它的废墟上建立起野蛮或文明的王国、共和国和政权,以及在它转变过程中,伴随着它的解体所形成的众多政权、共和国及王国;希腊、罗马传统宗教的消亡,两个占据了世界上最美丽地区的新兴宗教的产生和发展;显示旧世界的老化、逐步褪色的荣耀和堕落的社会风气;新世界的幼年,它向人类新的精神风貌和外观特征所迈出的第一步等等——这么一个主题必将吸引那些对那个难忘的年代无法保持淡漠的人们的注意,激发他们的兴趣,正如Corneille的警句所说,那是"一个注定伟大的开端,一个注定伟大的结局"(Un grand destin commence, un grand destin s'ach ve)的年代。

As a French proverb goes,"un jour sans fromage, c'est comme un jour sans soleil."

法国有句谚语:"un jour sans fromage, c'est comme un jour sans soleil。"

We will also highlight "UN Limited Taiwan", an endeavor to strongly protest how the UN limits Taiwan's full participation as an independent country. ChthoniC has recorded "Unlimited Taiwan ", a new single specifically created to headline this campaign. Hopefully, more and more international friends will understand and support Taiwan, through the "Unlimited" power of music.

这个面对美国数十万乐迷的巡回演唱会,我们定名为「UNlimited」,一方面要强调台湾无限的潜力,另一方面,也要用「UN Limited Taiwan」来表达我们对联合国对台湾设限的抗议;我们特别录制了同名的最新创作歌曲,期盼透过音乐的力量,让更多国际友人了解台湾,支持台湾。

He writes at Un Todo un Poco about more state involvement to control prices

他在''Un Todo un Poco''中写道要政府介入更多以控制物价

The UN emergency relief coordinator has announced that he is pursuing a 72-hour ceasefire in the Middle East fighting. The ceasefire would help get humanitarian aid into the region safely. The UN also announced that it is vacating two of its unarmed outposts near the Lebanese-Israeli border.

讨论一个很严肃的英语语法问题,就是这里的The UN also announced that it is vacating ,就是一般来说时态是要统一的,但是好像也听所过为了表现新闻报道的真实性会使用现在进行时,但是自己一直就没搞清楚过,语法真让人头疼,有没有那个牛人站出来说说?

The following address will take you to a webpage with answers to frequently asked questions, factsheets and other public information material: http://www.un.org/geninfo/faq/ The following webpages, which provide an overview of global issues on the UN agenda and an index to topics on the UN website, may also be of use to you: http://www.un.org/issues/ http://www.un.org/site_index/ If your query is not answered by the information provided at these sites or if you need additional information, kindly send us a message at: http://www.un.org/geninfo/faq/piucontact1.asp Thank you for taking the time to contact us.

http://www.un.org/geninfo/faq/下面的网页,提供了联合国议程上的全球问题的概览和联合国网内索引的主题,也许对您也会有帮助。 http://www.un.org/issues/ http://www.un.org/site_index/如果这些网站提供的信息都没有能解答您的疑问,又或者你需要额外的信息,请您按下面的地址发信息给我们。 http://www.un.org/geninfo/faq/piucontact1.asp 感谢您在百忙之中抽出时间来与我们联系。

So anything that instantiates UN, which we are now supposing includes UN, does not instantiate itself.


第1/100页 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... > 尾页
Un Amor Como Los De Antes
Un-thought Of Heros
Abrazado De Un Poste
Un Idiota
Un Puño De Tierra
Un Grito En La Noche
Quiero Armar Un Escándalo
Dame Un Martillo
Quelqu'un Que J'aime, Quelqu'un Qui M'aime
Un Papel Y Un Boligrafo

Next time I see you,I shall give you a black eye.


In this paper,design scheme of classification system of wood surface color is established.


With a few exceptions (a sea-monster attack seems to go on forever), this is where the film outdoes its predecessor.
