英语人>网络例句>tip 相关的网络例句
与 tip 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Many people think that the word "tip" is an acronym for "To insure promptness".


The other day I got a booger out of her nose with a Q-tip, and it was so satisfying.


As for the four secondary columella lengthening techniques used in our patients, open-tip rhinoplasty achieves best aesthetic result, has lowest rate of revision and should be considered as the option of choice.

而在我们研究所采用的四种第二阶段鼻小柱延长手术中,开放式V-Y鼻整形(open-tip V-Y rhinoplasty)可得到最好美观上的结果与最少的再手术比例,应被视为首选的方式。

5 Align the cross hair to the center of capillary mark and enter to update the Bond tip Offset.

排列坐标中心到烙印的中心,按回车更新 bond tip offset。

Project Reality tip| All soldiers are issued with 1 field dressing. Officers and Medics are issued with 3 field dressing.

Project Reality tip|军官装备和医疗兵带有三个战地止血包,其他兵种只有一个。

Flare-Tip The flare-tip is typically a "shaft-over" hosel, meaning the shaft covers the top of the hosel where the two connect.


India, Middle East, there are many kinds of swords with reinforced tip. For example, katar in India, has very sharp and thick tip, made by European steels and the native Damascus steels.

印度,中东一带,也有著很多带有reinforced tip 特性的刀剑,如印度武器中的katar,其尖既厚又锋利,用料有来自欧洲刀剑的钢材(对,就连古文明国度的印度人,也会用欧洲刀剑的钢材),及土产的大马士革钢。

I got the tip straight from the torse's mouth.


Objective: To observe the clinical effects of Tip-Edge Plus appliance in treating bimaxillary protrusion patients and discuss its mechanics.

目的:观察Tip-Edge Plus矫治技术治疗双颌前突畸形的临床效果,并对其机制进行探讨。

We call this thick, tight and sharp tip "Reinforced tip", mainly use to thrust armors, such as Tuck, Estoc in Europe.

我们称这种较厚,紧实却有锋利的剑尖为Reinforced tip,主要是用在破甲上的。欧洲剑中,针对破甲的剑有tuck, estoc。

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Tip Jar
Tip It On Back
Tip Of My Heart
Tip Toe
An Attempt To Tip The Scales
Blue Tip
I Tip Down
Tip Of My Tongue
Illusions (Q-Tip Remix)
Tip Toes

No man can sever the bonds that unite him to his society simply by averting his eyes .


Although this method requires the most configuration it also provides the most robust solution.


Hobbes, I never thought I'd see the day.
