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与 thumb 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Based upon the available instruction set, any code written in C could be executed successfully in Thumb state.


The Thumb state has unique stack mnemonics that don't exist in the ARM state.


objective: to observe the relaxing effect of ranunculus japonicus thumb extractant on uterine smooth muscle and study its possible mechanism.

摘 要 目的:观察毛茛提取液(ranunculus japonicus thumb extractant, rjte)松弛离体子宫平滑肌条的作用,并初步探讨其作用机制。

Inside is the most significant collection of railroad artifacts in the nation, including a replica built in 1926 of the Tom Thumb—the first American built locomotive (constructed in 1830)—and the St.

机车库内收集了国内最主要的铁路工艺品,包括1926年制作的Tom Thumb——美国制造的第一列机车(1830年制)的仿制品——和the St。

INY TOM \ 袖珍吉娃娃 A 3-week-old Chihuahua named Tom Thumb posed in a teacup Tuesday in Renton, Scotland.

om Thumb是一只三周大的吉娃娃狗。图为周二它趴在苏格兰蓝顿家中的一个茶杯里。

However, it is questionable whether Buller ever made such a pronouncement and there is even less evidence that he phrased it as a "rule of thumb"; the rumoured statement was so unpopular that it caused him to be lambasted as "Judge Thumb" in a satirical James Gillray cartoon.

事实上,这条法律是如此的不受到公众的欢迎,以至于这位法官在一副讽刺的漫画中被称之为Judge Thumb。

Alternate between crimps, open hands, thumb locks, pinches, and pocket grips as often as the rock allows.

只要你觉得这点能按自己的想法抓,那就招呼吧!CRIMP、OPEN、THUMB LOCKS和PINCH(争取能抓出花儿来,别重样儿就更好了)!

Thus, we at Green Thumb Gardening Center can increase our profits by greatly expanding the variety of vegetable seeds we stock for gardeners this coming spring.

因此,在Green Thumb园艺中心,我们可望增加我们的利润,只要我们大幅度扩展我们在即将来到的这个春天为园丁们准备的蔬菜种籽的品种。

Thumb a ride: hitchhikers usually put their thumb out as cars pass by, indicating that they need a ride.

要搭顺风车的人通常伸出一个拇指表示他要搭顺风车,所以thumb a ride的意思就是搭顺风车。

O 9.thumb a ride: hitchhikers usually put their thumb out as cars pass by, indicating that they need a ride.

要搭顺风车的人通常伸出一个拇指表示他要搭顺风车,所以thumb a ride的意思就是搭顺风车。

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Under The Thumb
Just Like Tom Thumb's Blues
Sore Thumb
Just Like Tom Thumb's Blues
I Suck On My Thumb
Thumb Thumb
Just Like Tom Thumb's Blues
Just Like Tom Thumb's Blues
Man (Opposable Thumb)

Next time I see you,I shall give you a black eye.


In this paper,design scheme of classification system of wood surface color is established.


With a few exceptions (a sea-monster attack seems to go on forever), this is where the film outdoes its predecessor.
