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与 thousand 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Still, I think most Afghans remain hopeful about their country's partnership with the U.S. and many echo the sentiment of Babi in A Thousand Splendid Suns, viewing the United States as a desirable place to live, and as a land of opportunity and hope.

然而,我想一些阿富汗人对於与美国的同盟仍抱持著希望,而且许多人和《灿烂千阳A Thousand Splendid Suns》中的巴比一样,仍视美国为值得向往的国家,一个充满机会与希望之地。

It is not until A Thousand Plateaus that body is treated both as the real and the active agent, so that thinking finally turns into the heterogenesis of an abstract life hitherto unknown to the corporeality of hieroglyphic experience.

一直到A Thousand Plateaus,身体才被看为真实的行动者,这使得思考终於得以透过异生创造一种不同於异象经验的「抽象生命」。

Realm of Desire, Realm of Form and Realm of Formlessness, while Li Hongzhi called them realms of heaven, earth and human being; In terms of the three thousand great thousand world, in Buddhist doctrines, our celestial body under the sun and moon forms one small world, 1, 000 of these kind of bodies form one"small thousand world"; 1,000 "small thousand world" forms one "medium thousand world", and a thousand of these "medium thousand world" form one "great thousand world".


Totally 2,000 types of plants are growing in the Garden, including 60 thousand arbor species, 300 thousand shrub species, 66 thousand vine species, 850 thousand herbs, 400 thousand square meters greensward , one million potted flowers.


II. construction scale: annual treatment capacity of 15 thousand tons castor seeds to extract 7 thousand tons oil, annual yield of 7 thousand tons methyl ricinoleate, 2 thousand tons nylon 11 and 3.5 thousand tons castor oil fatty alcohol; along with the following by-products: 1.4 thousand tons medicinal glycerol, and 5 thousand tons of heptaldehyde alcohol, mono-octyl sebacate and dibutyl sebacate respectively.


Crude death rate is 201.55 per 100 thousand, and standardization is 184.04 per 100 thousand, which is 43.93% higher than the average level of the whole country. The standardization are as follows: hepatoma (53.57 per 100 thousand), lung cancer (47.76 per 100 thousand), gastric cancer (31.17 per 100 thousand), breast carcinoma (5.18 per 100 thousand), colorectal cancer (8.6 per 100 thousand). Monitoring indicates that the aggravation of water, atmosphere, small marine products, and the unhealth life habits are the main facts. Earlier screening profits diagnosis and prevention beforehand.

结果 慈溪市近十年恶性肿瘤死亡率逐年上升,位全死因的第一位,粗死亡率为201.55/10万,标化死亡率184.04/10万,比全国平均高43.93%,恶性肿瘤顺位及标化死亡率以肝癌(53.57/10万)、肺癌(47.76/10万)、胃癌(31.17/10万)、乳腺癌(5.18/10万)、结直肠癌(8.6/10万),大气、水、土壤、蔬菜、小海产品监测表明:水质、环境的恶化及本市区域的大气、小海产品局部污染和不良卫生习惯是恶性肿瘤发生的主因,早期筛查利于早发现、早预防。

He tried in a thousand and one ways to prevent me from telling the truth .

他千方百计阻挠我说真话。句中的 a thousand and one 意为&许许多多&,&无数&

In one way, the two novels are corollaries: The Kite Runner was a father-son story, and A Thousand Splendid Suns can be seen as a mother-daughter story.

就某方面来说,这两本小说是可相类比的:《追风筝的孩子》主要是父子之间的故事,而《灿烂千阳A Thousand Splendid Suns》则可被视为是母亲与女儿之间的故事。

Haifeng County, Luhe County, hosted Lufeng and a Red Bay Development and the Overseas Chinese Economic Zone Management Area, are Under the jurisdiction of city, which is with a total population of 3.23 million, urban population of 210,000, living abroad overseas Chinese, Hong Kong Macao and Taiwan compatriots, a total of more than 130 million people; total land area of 5271 square kilometers, accounting for 2.93% total area of the province, of which 93.2 thousand hectares of cultivated land, garden 42.1 thousand hectares, woodland 234.8 thousand hectares, unused land 47.9 thousand hectares; a coastline of 455 kilometers, sea area of 23.8 thousand square kilometers, accounting for the province's land area 14% of the ocean, in which shallow seas and tidelands 69.6 thousand hectares.


In The Kite Runner, it was mainly the love between men. In A Thousand Splendid Suns, love manifests itself in even more various shapes, be it romantic love between a man and a woman, parental love, or love for family, home, country, God.

追风筝的孩子》说起来是男人之间的坚贞友情,而《灿烂千阳A Thousand Splendid Suns》里面的爱表现在更多的面向,例如男女间的浪漫爱情、父母亲与子女的爱、对於家人、家庭、国家与上帝的爱。

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A Kiss Is Worth A Thousand Words
A Thousand Days
A Thousand Hours
Thousand Years Of Oppression
A Thousand Miles
A Thousand Steps
Ten Thousand Words
A Thousand Years
The Thousand Plagues I Witness
Thousand Yard Stare

Next time I see you,I shall give you a black eye.


In this paper,design scheme of classification system of wood surface color is established.


With a few exceptions (a sea-monster attack seems to go on forever), this is where the film outdoes its predecessor.
