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与 thank goodness 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Oh,my goodness.you're right.thank you,amalia.

天啊 你说得太对了谢谢 Amalia

Allah, I ask you for constancy along the way and for resolution in walking the right path and thank you for your goodness and that I worship you in the best sense and I ask of you to give me good from everything you know and keep me from every evil you know and I ask you to forgive all my sins that you know for you are knowledgeable of all things and I ask of you security for me, my family, and all my companions and I seek refuge with you from every despot, from every deceiver and tyrant, from every wizard and every unjust person, from every envier and every traitor, from every conspirator and every enemy, from every one who rants and raves, from every trickster and every gloater and from everyone who conceals enmity from me.


Oh, my goodness gracious, thank you so much.


Oh, my goodness, thank you!


How then will it be when I think of the powerful good things which you have showered on me while I am not able to thank you enough for any one of them, so may the words of your feather be praised according to your knowledge and the judgments you have made and so much of your grace has encompassed your creatures and so much as your power has encompassed and a multiple that you are due from your creatures, oh Lord, I testify to my good deeds towards you, so add to your goodness to me for the rest of my life, greater, more complete, and even better than in the past with your mercy and you are the most merciful Lord, I implore you and beseech you by calling you the ONLY ONE, by glorifying you, praising you and acclaiming you, calling you the greatest, praising your completeness, by your leadership, by calling you the mightiest, by sanctifying you, by your glory, your mercy, your grace, your wisdom, your gentleness, your high position, you're your respect, your goodness, your exaltedness, your generosity, your perfection, your pride, by your rule, your might, your good acts, your thankfulness, your beauty, your grandeur, your proof, by your forgiveness, by your prophet and those close to you, his family and companions that you bless our Lord Mohammed and all other prophets and messengers and that you do not refuse me you care, nor your good deeds,… nor your beauty, nor your grandeur, nor the benefits of your honor, for you have given me so many gifts that you can never be hindered by miserliness, neither will neglect to thank you for your goodness reduce your generosity nor will your countless, exalted…… beautiful, noble gifts limit your overwhelming generosity, nor will you fear poverty and the river of your good deeds does not reduce your generosity, nor will you fear poverty and then become stingy.


Thank goodness the new premier is not as trigger-happy as his predecessor.


Thank goodness the new premier is not as trigger-happy as his predecessor.


Thank goodness enough women choose more stable, hard-working, responsible men, capable of becoming dependable breadwinners and good fathers.


In an interview last November, Rhee said, On the weekends I'm in the grocery store ... and people come up to me, and they say,'Thank goodness you're doing this.


I seated in front of my computer,open the MSN radom as usual,and chatting with one of my foreigner friends,we have six hours gap time.Thank goodness,finally have afriend is willing to chat with me,can share the long-night with me.


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At the rear was an innovative combination transaxle with the gearbox, clutch, differential, and inboard-mounted drum brakes.


For more people can apprecaite and have the master work, there is reproduction painting appears in the market, the large various selection of paint,the high saturation of color plus the plentiful sfumato, to make the reproduction perfect copy and detail as original painting, so as to meet the requirment of amateurs who love art paintings,they do not need to pay high price to get classical paintings.


I hope you can acquire blessedness...
