查询词典 terribly
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Through compared with the difference of the sampling inspection's OC curves between existent and nonexistent inspection error by utilizing grouping method, we get the conclusion that all the traditional methods are designed on the premise that there is none inspection error exist, so it would terribly depress the probability of acceptance and couldn't veritably reflect the quality of the lot for inspection, if the inspection error is exist when sampling inspecting.
In a little bay she found a whole swarm of little mortals They were quite naked and splashed about in the water :she wanted to play with them ,but they fled in affright ,and a little black animal came —— it was a dog ,but she had never seen a dog —— and it barked at her so terribly that she became frightened ,and made out to the open sea .
Twice he had experienced that terribly agonising feeling of the dread of death, of the end, and now he had ceased to understand it.
I should declare an interest. I am not terribly Anglo-Saxon either.
This is used when you've done something wrong and you feel very apologetic: I'm terribly sorry.
I have been remiss, and am terribly guilty AND apologetic.
It is appallingly offensive to all Russians, and especially the vast number whose own families suffered terribly under Stalin.
Okay, look, I am terribly sorry to barge in like this...
Poor man,he must be terribly fed up with it.
I'm terribly sorry I'll be completely snowed under this Friday.
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May Fod bless us all.
I want to be rest assured that you maintain an impeccable status because I do not want any troubles afterwards.
Ceng Xuan says " I am leader Yahoo optimal person selected " Yang Zhiyuan, one year much lieutenancy is full of twist.