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table salt相关的网络例句

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与 table salt 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

One of the most wi de ly employed materials of the chemical industry, it is used in manufacturing chlorine, caustic soda, sodium carbonate, bicarbonate of soda, soap, and chlorine bleach, as well as in ceramic glazes, metallurgy, food preservation, curing of hi de s, road de -icing, water softening, photography, and many consumer products, including mineral waters, mouthwashes, and table salt itself.


Table salt contains 60 per cent chloride so the majority of people get more than enough.

食盐中含有60 %的氯,所以,大多数人获得足够多的。

The result of this stacking of ions is a cubical crystal of common table salt.


This product was prepared with fernery as main material to extract its starch, added other sorts of starch, CMC-Na, table salt and refine vegetable oil, by way of gelatinizing, mixing and forming.


Table salt is halite that has been purified by a chemical process that prevents the mineral from absorbing moisture.


Based on the color reaction of iodate with p-phenylenediamine in dil.HCl medium,a FI-photometric method for determination of iodate in table salt was proposed.


Based on this fact, a simple second derivative oscillo-voltammetric method was established for the determination of iodine in table salt spiked with potassium iodate.


Consider one microgram of table salt, a speck just barely large enough for someone with keen eyesight to make out without a microscope.


They do not always have an all-or-none effect; degrees of poisoning may occur, and at a given dose some substances are far more toxic than others (e.g., a pinch of potassium cyanide can kill, whereas a single dose of ordinary table salt must be massive to kill).


They do not always have an all-or-none effect; degrees of poison ing may occur, and at a given dose some substances are far more toxic than others (e.g., a pinch of potassium cyanide can kill, whereas a single dose of ordinary table salt must be massive to kill).


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He is intelligent, passionate, and a fun guy to hang around with.


First-rate method is to send a person to do mastication technically to digest these stuffs.


But there are many drawbacks if the government monopolizes their supply .
