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与 table salt 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

During the process of long-time adaptive evolution, wetland plants adopted a series of special strategies to acclimate to salt stress. The main strategies are: 1 life history adjustment, e. g., to adjust seed germination time, implement seed dormancy and viviparity, and change reproductive manner to escape from direct salt stress, 2 morphological adjustment, e. g., to adjust biomass allocation pattern, age stem, defoliate, and carnify vegetative organs to isolate the redundant Na(superscript +) to the inactive-metabolism shoots or exclude the Na(superscript +)from tissues; 3 anatomic adjustment, e. g., to sink stoma, develop aerenchyma, and thicken cuticle and phellogen to maintain normal photosynthesis and respiration; 4 physiological and biochemical adjustment, e. g., to exclude and excrete salt, compartmentalize ions, adjust osmosis, do selective absorption, regulate hormones, and induce antioxidative enzymes to maintain the osmotic equilibrium and eliminate the active oxygen in cell; and 5 molecular level adjustment, e. g., to start up many salt-induced genes to regulate the metabolic responses to salt stress.


In this paper, through a series of experiments, two series of quaternary-ammounium Gemini surfactants were synthesized, namely the pair alkylene double quaternary ammonium salt surfactant m-s-m·2Br and the pair the alkylene double quaternary ammonium salt surfactant -s-·2Br. We has carried on the attribute with the infrared spectrum to its structure, and to affected the factor which the synthesis pair the alkylene double quaternary ammonium salt surfactant responded to carry on the discussion. We has discovered the synthesis pair the ethylene double quaternary ammonium salt surfactant m-2-m·2Br optimum condition: The bromo alkane and a tetramethyl ethylene diamine mole of ratio is 3.0: 1.0, makes the solvent by the ethyl alcohol, 80℃ under responds for 48 hours in the backflow temperature; Synthesis pair alkylene double quaternary ammonium salt surfactant 12-S-12 ·2Br optimum condition: 12 tertiary amine and 1, 3- propylene dibromide (1, 4- two bromines butane) a mole of ratio is 2.2: 1.0, makes the solvent by the ethyl alcohol, responds for 48 hours in the constant temperature 80 ℃ under backflow.


Here the roads and houses are made of salt, undulant salt hills and salt bridges are amazing with moving vehicles on them to be surrounded by the vast and boundless salt sea… the Great Salt Lake full of glittering and translucent crystal shining under the sunlight, does give you a sense of crystal palace with the snow-covered peaks as the background.


Salt belongs to mandatory planning, execute specialize in, industrial salt belongs to guiding plan, the contract is ordered, but the industrial salt that directiveness plans is regarded as likely at any time salt illicit is sold, specialize in to salt brought very great difficulty.


Taking for example the salt rhythms of the Qianjiang Formation in the Qianjiang Sag of the Jianghan Basin (which is a typical Paleogene saline lacustrine basin in eastern China), through a detailed study on cores, the authors have determined for the first time the Ⅳ-order salt rhythm based on Ⅰ-,Ⅱ-and Ⅲ-order salt rhythms which were determined previously and got to know that the sedimentary process following the sequence of desalinizing→salinizing and crystallization of salt minerals from halite rock→(mud-bearing) glauberite rock→dolomite-bearing mudstone (mud-bearing doloston)→mudstone→doloston→glauberite rock→halite rock. The authors also analyzed the Ⅳ-order salt rhythm and the correspondence between its sedimentary records and the fluctuation of the palaeosalinity of waters and the short-scale (0.05~1.0 ka duration) change of dry-moist palaeoclimate.

本文以我国东部独具特色的古近纪古盐湖盆地-江汉盆地的潜江凹陷潜江组盐韵律为例,通过对王平1、王云10-6、王80-2等3口井连续取心段的精细研究,在前人划分Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ级盐韵律的基础上,首次划分出组成含盐层系基础韵律单元-Ⅳ级盐韵律,弄清了它的沉积过程基本遵循从石盐岩→钙芒硝岩→含白云石泥岩→泥岩→白云岩→钙芒硝岩→石盐岩的淡化-咸化序列和盐类矿物的析出顺序;解析了Ⅳ级盐韵律及其沉积组合记录与水体古盐度波动和短尺度(0.05~1.0 ka)古气候干湿变化之间的对应关系。

Experimental result makes clear:(K2SO4 of 1) this system, leonite, what the salt such as Langbenite and MgSO4.H2O can form primary nucleus is primary the area that become salt and area of deliquescent balance photograph are put in apparent deviate, among them K2SO4 narrows into saline area, and the accretion that Leonite and MgSO4.H2O crystallization area all have different rate;(2) is evaporating in crystallization process, the existence that plants into saline brilliant makes the area becoming salt of this salt is compared primary the area that become salt expands somewhat because;(3) becomes saline division patulous, salify area appears the crisscross of different level.


The present invention provides a method for preparing biodegradable and biocompatible, porous, polymeric scaffolds for tissue engineering, which comprises the steps of: dissolving a polymer in an organic solvent to prepare a polymeric solution; mixing an effervescent salt in the resulting polymeric solution to give a polymer/salt/organic solvent mixed gel; removing the organic solvent from the polymer/ salt/ organi c solvent mixed gel; and effervescing the salt in the resulting polymer/salt gel to yield a polymeric scaffold.


The results showed apple leaf marginal withered was caused by single salt poison in soil. And that the origin of soil salt was irrigated by tiny salt water or middle degree salt water again and again. Along with irrigated number of year increasing, single salt poison tend towards more severity.


DM the three-phase embedded electrode salt bath is the rectangular structure, the outer covering welds by the angle steel and the steel plate, in puts in gallbladder which the steel plate makes, in the gallbladder is uses sets up the salt bath which the brick and the standard brick compose, in the gallbladder is mainly uses in preventing outside the fused salt permeating heat insulating layer and the salt bath, when salt bath damage is advantageous hangs the repair.


The company introduced the United States over 150 years of history, technology, captured from around the world, more than 20 kinds of pure natural spices such as garlic, celery seed, black pepper, parsley, red pepper, etc., the initial launch of Morton stew BBQ salt, garlic salt, Morton, Morton fragrance that is salt, the United States also introduced low-sodium formula refined Morton, Morton Kang salt, to guide a healthy diet, opening up new markets for varieties of salt.


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Salt Fare, North Sea
Salt Shaker (Remix)
At The Table
Bath Salt
Doper Than Dope
Say Ooh
Void And Null
Salt On A Slug
Tears Don't Fall (Part 2)
Salt Skin

Light source selection of print, in the light source is a notable issue, iodine gallium lamp is a type of light source are appropriate for plate burning, its high continuous use, the emission wavelength of microspectroscopic spread over 350 MW to 450nm to 417nm to the highest Summit, for most printing plate photoptic layers.

平源 晒版洋平源的拔存是个不值得夺纲的题纲,碘镓灯是一栽得当于晒版的平源,其发平成果矮,可不停搁置,其发放的平谱波长漫衍在350~450nm边界边,以417nm处为最矮峰,差不小都印版感平层灵验。

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Methods. The study recruited consecutive adult inpatients with chest radiography findings suggestive of tuberculosis who were unable to expectorate.

本研究纳入通过胸部X 线片检查后的系列住院成人,研究发现表明结核患者不能咳痰。