英语人>网络例句>swollen 相关的网络例句

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与 swollen 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Furuncle swollen early not squeeze, especially rich in blood vessels of head and face, and intracranial transportation, furuncle swollen by extrusion, bacteria is very likely to take the opportunity to enter the brain, causing dangerous intracranial infection.


Were so swollen thyroid is not fully restored, iodine-rich kelp so swollen thyroid better than the resumption of Prunella.


For it is rubor after damaging to the closing soft tissue, getting swollen, getting hot aching and model of functiolaesa these bed solicit and there is no fracture,no skin damaged, we designed the corresponding experiment, namely the law of hot board causes little mouse\'s painful experiment of threshold of pain; Freun\'s complete adjuvant caused the swollen experiment of big mouse\'s foot;The xylene caused the swollen experiment of little mouse\'s ear; Invigorating blood circulation silt experiment that changes the sex that the rheology appearance examines the blood and flows with the blood; Useing the high performance liquid chromatography-electrochemistry Detected monoamine neurotransmitters transmitter in the brain and serum; the experiment of immunohistochemistry measured the proto-oncogene C-FOS expresses.

针对闭合性软组织损伤后的红、肿、热、痛及功能障碍的典型临床体征,加上无骨折、无皮肤破损的特点,我们设计了相应的实验,即热板法致小鼠疼痛的痛阈实验;福氏完全佐剂(Freun\'s complete adjuvant,FCA)致大鼠足肿实验;二甲苯致小鼠耳肿实验;用血流变仪测血液流变性的活血化瘀实验;运用高效液相色谱—电化学(high performance liquid chromatography-electrochemistry Detection HPLC-ECD)法测量大脑及血清中单胺类神经递质的实验以及免疫组织化学法检测原癌基因C-FOS蛋白产物表达的实验。

Some species of Nepeta and Schizonepeta genus have been used as Chinese traditional folk medicine to resolve the exterior, dissipate cold, rectify the blood and resolve toxin. Efficacious drugs were made of these species for treatment of common cold, headache, sore swollen throat, wind stroke clenched jaw, blood ejection, spontaneous external bleeding, uterine bleeding, postpartum blood dizziness, swollen welling abscess, sore and scrofula.


A kind of virus particles were observed in cytoplasm of sampled ill sea cucumber tissues which were sampled from sick sea cucumbers with ulcerous skin and swollen mouth from their farming ponds at the beginning of 2005. The particles were covered with a bilayer envelops, shaped in globular with its size 100-200 nm in diameter. The same virus was isolated from cultured sea cucumbers with disease from different time and sites, and then infected the healthy sea cucumber. sea cucumber appeared the phenomenon such as ulcerous skin and swollen mouth and the same virus was isolated from infected sea cucumbers.

本章从患病刺参中分离出了2株对刺参具有感染能力的细菌,经鉴定1株为弧菌科弧菌属Vibrio sp和1株为弧菌科施万氏菌属Shewanella sp;在患病刺参的触手、肠和呼吸树等组织的细胞质中,检出了球形、具双层囊膜、直径大约为100-200nm的病毒粒子利用分离的病毒进行人工感染实验,刺参可以产生与自然发病刺参相同的症状,显示了分离的病毒对刺参具有一定的感染性。

When the soil relative water content is 80%, the chloroplast and mitochondria cristae were regular. When the soil relative water content is 100%and 60%, the chloroplasts became roud in shape.There were bigger giqantic starch grains and fat droplets in the chloroplasts. Mitochondria cristae became swollen. When the soil relative water content is 40%and 20%, thylakoids became swollen and disorder in leaf cell, mitochondria cristae became obscured .


The album closes with the dense Swollen Sky, which like the bands other songs seems to fit a great deal of music into only four minutes, and the throbbing Several Tongues, a long and icy ambient instrumental track which slowly crescendos into a frenzy of free-jazz chaos, then descends back to earth on a soft cushion of organ driven lullaby.

唱片尾声是浓厚的Swollen Sky,如同其他歌曲一样,很多音乐密集在短短的四分钟以内。而悸动的Several Tongues,是首悠长的冰冷的氛围器乐曲,乐声渐强,进入一段自由爵士的狂躁状态,又回归平静,温柔地缓冲到风琴营造的催眠曲里。

Methods: Observing the effect of Shukang granule on the swollen ear of mice induced by dimethylbenzene, the swollen toes of rats induced by injecting egg-white, the turn-body reaction of mice by injecting Potassium antimony tartrate, the pain model induced by hot plate and the swollen meat-bud of rats induced by cotton.


After the exposure, the retinas were examined with light and electron microscope. results: under light microscope, irregular nucleoplasm and unclear border of nucleus in the ganglion cell layer were found in the experimental groups of 2 h, 12 h and 24 h. these changes were also found in the inner nucleus layer. under the electron microscope, swollen mitochondria and vacuolized endoplasmic reticulums were found in all the layers of retina in the groups of 2 h, 12 h and 24 h, most obvious in the group of 24 h. in the group of 72 h, only lightly swollen mitochondria and dilated endoplasmic reticulums were found in the ganglion cell layer of retina.

结果: 光镜:实验组中2,12及24 h组均可见视网膜神经节细胞层内细胞核出现核质不均匀,核边界不清,内核层细胞核也有同样改变;电镜:实验组中2,12及24 h组视网膜各层均出现线粒体肿大,内质网空泡样变,以24 h组最为严重,72 h组仅见视网膜神经节细胞层出现轻度线粒体肿大,内质网扩张。

A conceited fool; an attitude of self-conceited arrogance; an egotistical disregard of others; so swollen by victory that he was unfit for normal duty; growing ever more swollen-headed and arbitrary; vain about her clothes.


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Swollen Summer
(In The Wake Of) The Swollen Goat
Mama, I'm Swollen
Just As Big Twice As Swollen

Next time I see you,I shall give you a black eye.


In this paper,design scheme of classification system of wood surface color is established.


With a few exceptions (a sea-monster attack seems to go on forever), this is where the film outdoes its predecessor.
