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与 stochastically 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Methods 568 cases of fracture patients that including conservative treatment and surgical treatment were divided stochastically into the treatment group and the control group with soliciting the informed consent. The treament group used the black jade dipsacus cream was spread extermally on the skin,the control group did not apply drags.We observed two groups of patients in local pains,swelling, the tenderness and the joint activity improvement situation and carried on the comparative analysis to two groups of curative effects.


Abstract] Objective In order to observe the curative effects that black jade dipsacus cream cure bone fracture. Methods 568 cases of fracture patients that including conservative treatment and surgical treatment were divided stochastically into the treatment group and the control group with soliciting the informed consent. The treament group used the black jade dipsacus cream was spread extermally on the skin,the control group did not apply drags.We observed two groups of patients in local pains,swelling, the tenderness and the joint activity improvement situation and carried on the comparative analysis to two groups of curative effects.

目的 观察黑玉续断接骨膏治疗骨折的疗效方法将收治的568例骨折保守治疗及手术治疗后的患者,在征得知情同意后,随机分治疗组和对照组,治疗组采用院内制剂黑玉续断接骨膏外敷,对照组不用药,观察两组患者局部疼痛、肿胀、压痛及关节活动的改善情况并对两组疗效进行比较分析。

Materials and Methods: According to authoritative clinical diagnosis standards and evaluation standards, 90 cases of outpatients and inpatients were selected as the research subjects. These patients of H.pylori associated alimentary disease all failed on routine triple therapy and belonged to deficiency-cold of spleen and gaster, damp-heat of spleen and gaster as well as stagnant blood of gaster. 90 cases were divided into three groups stochastically. Among these patients, 30 cases were served as contrast groupⅠ treated by "Omeprazole, Clarithromycin, Metronidazole", 30 cases were served as contrast groupⅡtreated by "Omeprazole, Levofloxacin, Ornidazole", the other 30 cases were served as observation group treated by "Qingyou Soup" associated with above-mentioned routine medicines. The period of treatment of all three groups was 2 weeks.


The method utilizes petrographical information obtained from two-dimensional thin sections to stochastically reconstruct the 3D model of a stone sample by the theories and techniques of image processing and mathematic morphology.This paper compares quantitatively the reconstructed microstructures...


Has the thought expedient person, in the thought and solves in the question process, is not stereotypical, does not ossify, quick-witted nimble, can correct the mistake stochastically, will present "the end of hills and rivers to doubt frequently roadless, joy after sorrow another village" the person anticipated effect.


The method of prediction on stochastical simulating 3D parameter field of rock mechanics is brought forward in this paper. Namely, rock mechanics parameters- curve obtained by known and limited conventional log materials is took as inputs of hard data;and seismic attribute data body, hydrating of mud shale and rock environmental parameters data is took as constraint of soft data. By simulating stochastically through optimizing algorithm of Sequential Gauss Simulation,dynamical data field of rock mechanics parameter of three-dimensional space are gotten, then log response of rock mechanics parameters in position of any point in space is predicted.


Watermarks are stochastically permuted and coded by LDPC to improve the robustness against attacks.


The watermarking information that is stochastically permuted and coded by LDPC is embedded in the modified DC components which are attained by integer transform twice.


The usual procedure is has the qualifications to hold the post jurors citizen name list input information bank front, holds court stochastically to extract part of people to inform to appear in court.


Methods Divides into the treatment group and the control group stochastically 128 example patients, in the conventional treatment foundation, the treatment group carries on the urokinase thrombolysis treatment, the control group gives the blasting oil and the heparin sodium treatment.


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Next time I see you,I shall give you a black eye.


In this paper,design scheme of classification system of wood surface color is established.


With a few exceptions (a sea-monster attack seems to go on forever), this is where the film outdoes its predecessor.
