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与 spatulate 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Branchlets not virgate, gray-brown or dark brown, scabrous, with longitudinally arranged slits, not shiny; leaf blade leathery, spatulate or rhombic-elliptic, apex truncate or acute, adaxially glabrous or midvein sparsely puberulent, abaxially with ± dist

小枝不棒状,灰棕色或者暗褐色,粗糙,带有纵向安排的裂缝,不发亮;叶片革质,匙形或菱形椭圆形,先端截形或锐尖,中脉疏生微柔毛的正面无毛或,背面具多少dist 42 R。 rosthornii 小冻绿树

Flower solitary and terminal, androdioecious ,pedicel stout, glabrous; flowers fragrant, tepals 12 in 4 whorls, outer 3 tepals large, obovate, red, 4cm long, 2cm wide ,rounded at apex, attenuate at base, tepals of inner 3 whorls narrow-obovate-spatulate, white, 3-3.5cm long; stamens 30 ,2.5cm long, anthers 1.58 cm long, filaments short.

花单生枝顶,雄花和两性花异株,花梗粗短,无毛;花白色,芳香,花被片12,4轮排列,外轮3片较大,倒卵形,红色,长4cm ,宽2cm ,先端圆,基部渐窄,内3轮窄倒卵状匙形,白色,长3~3.3cm ,雄蕊30,长约2.5cm ,花药长约1.5cm ,花丝短,药隔伸出成短尖的附属物;两性花花被片与雄花相同。

Corolla 1-lipped; tube included or exserted, not hairy annulate inside; limb 5-lobed, with middle lobe circular or spatulate, occasionally 2-lobulate; lateral lobes 4, small.


Nectar scales narrowly linear to linear-spatulate, 0.7-1.3 mm, apically not appendaged; leaf apex obtuse.


Inflorescence a terminal panicle, raceme, or spike, dense or lax, covered by 1--3 spatulate involucral bracts when immature; bracts open to base, rarely hooded, each subtending 1 flower or a cincinnus of 2 to many flowers; bracteoles open to base or tubular, rarely hooded, sometimes absent.


Style (3 or)4(or 5)-lobed; stigmas clavate or spatulate.


Pollen tetrads contained loosely on a spatulate translator with basal corpusculum; filaments free.

四合花粉在一匙形的载粉器具基部的着粉腺体上松弛包含;花丝离生 2

Bracts oblong-cuneate-spatulate, apex acuminate or cuspidate, usually exserted and reflexed.


Petals 5, spatulate. Stamens 5, dorsifixed, enfolded by petals.


Stamens 5[or 10], epipetalous, alternate with corolla lobes if 5; staminodes 5 if present, epipetalous, opposite corolla lobes, scalelike or spatulate; anthers 1- or 2-celled, dehiscing by slits.

雄蕊5 [或者10 ],着生花瓣上,如果5,与花冠裂片互生;退化雄蕊如果存在,着生在花瓣上,与花冠裂片对生,鳞片状或者匙形;花药1-2室,通过裂缝开裂。

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