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Though a few sizeable banks still serve MSBs, they have become much choosier about who they will touch.


But it would be better to replace such deductions for everyone with targeted credits, abolish the alternative minimum tax (an absurd parallel tax system that ensnares a sizeable chunk of the upper middle class), and implement a broad sales tax.


If the ejected material came primarily from the mantles of the Earth and the impactor, the lack of a sizeable lunar core was easily understood, and the energy of the impact could account for the extra heating of lunar material required by analysis of lunar rock samples obtained by the Apollo astronauts.


Their problem is that mitigating climate change will require sizeable investments.


The fiscal stimulus package has some "green" tinges , most notably the commitment to step up the already sizeable investment in rail infrastructure and improvements to the power network.


But this rally differs from last year's sizeable but short-lived upturns, which were driven by hopes that obscure and untested policy shifts would fix the problems in the banking sector. This rally is underpinned by a widespread improvement in industrial sector data and financial conditions.


It certainly makes sense to keep poor people off the income-tax rolls, but removing a sizeable chunk of the middle class weakens the political bond between taxpayer and government, and will lead to pressure for more such spending.


It certainly makes sense to keep poor people off the income-tax rolls, but removing a sizeable chunk of the middle class weakens the political bond between taxpayer and government, and will lead to pressure for more such spending.


Aulas has reportedly contacted Chelsea president Roman Abramovich about the possibility of signing the Blues striker, even though he knows it will take a sizeable fee to prise him away from London.


Although the Yankees are expected to make Rodriguez, 32, a sizeable offer, it won't be for the 12 years that Boras believes his client can command on the open market.

虽然期待洋基可以提供A-Rod, 32岁,一个合理的条件,对相信自己客户12年的Bora来说,都不足够。

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I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
