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与 sinuous 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Flamers are daemons of Tzeentch , the Chaos god of change. They can be recognized almost immediately by the gaping maws which sprout from their sinuous limbs and tubular bodies, which issue forth eldritch fire.


They then threaded the wool wefts, leaving some tight and others sinuous, giving an immediately recognisable wavy finish to the surface of the carpet.


And there were gardens bright with sinuous rills


When I was at Girl Scout camp, we were taught a species of hula, floral and sinuous, to "Lovely Hula Hands," as played by our counsellor on the ukulele.


When I was at Girl Scout camp, we were taught a species of hula, floral and sinuous, to "Lovely Hula Hands," as played by our counsellor on the ukulele.


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Since historical times,England ,where the early inhabitants were Celts, has been conquered three times .


Bluetooth OBEX File Transfer Enables the sending and receiving of files on your phone via Bluetooth.


The almost sure central limit theorem is a pop topic of the probability research in recent years,because it has many actual applications in the random analogue.
