查询词典 shucks
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Picks is the thing, moral or no moral; and as for me, I don't care shucks for the morality of it, nohow.
An aw-shucks modesty has become part of Pattinson's shtick.
But if the software is all that's important to you then shucks, let me give you my bank account number.
" "Oh, shucks, yes, we can SPARE it.
I thought, Oh shucks, what is happening?
我以为,哦shucks ,正在发生什么事情呢?
But shucks, the Lord don't don't read the paper.
Shucks, what should have been said you have already said, by being last I already suffer losses.
"Shucks, Tom," I says, I think you might tell a person.
Shucks , am i talking too much ?
啊, 我说太多话了吗?
If I'm getting that right, it is that what makes it hurt worst of all is that when he tells you you're no good, well shucks, that's what you've always felt about yourself.
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The main researches of this dissertation are summarized as follows:1. AFM study of different effects of natural and semisyntheticβ-lactam on the cell envelope of E.coli.
Take a bus/taxi/ship/plane.
He did not think it consistent with the dignity of that Council to waste any more time over this scurrilous amendment.