英语人>网络例句>screamed 相关的网络例句

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与 screamed 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I almost screamed for him to get away. A huge buck with elaborate antlers was dangerously close.


I screamed at the TV, bollocking the commentator when he praised one of the midfielders with Three Lions on his shirt.


The bondswomen whom Achilles and Patroclus had taken captive screamed aloud for grief, beating their breasts, and with their limbs failing them for sorrow.


He sobbed and he screamed; the Convent had never heard such cursings as it heard now.But finally the womb tore as the Holy Child scrabble d with his little hands,his little nails,and in a gush of blood-tinged fluid s the Mongroid was disgorged onto the ground amongst the corpses.


"What is that?" he screamed as his flashlight lit the darkest and dampest corner of the basement.


"What is those?" he screamed as his 动态页面light lit the darkest and dampest corner of the basement.


A neighbor of mine shot a rat, and his son, who happened to be home for school break from college, screamed at him,'You big stupid fucking dickhead!


He screamed loudly on the sea as the boat was drove fast.


And the haji screamed, Yeah, yeah.


Scarlett, overwrought , could have screamed:"Oh, damn the Lady Harpists!" She wanted to talk about her dreadful experience.


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I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
