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与 scientific 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

R. MacDonald is an experienced information scientist in the electronic and electrical engineering field. Following postgraduate research in optical fibre laser gyroscopes, he worked for Thomson Scientific from 1994 to 2007 as an indexer and abstractor of academic and scientific papers for the Inspec database, specialising in electronics, optoelectronics and semiconductor electronics, and later telecommunications.

acDonald 先生是一位经验丰富的电子和电气工程信息科学家,研究生阶段的研究内容是光纤激光陀螺系统。1994年至2007年间,他一直从事 Thomson Scientific 旗下 Inspec 数据库学术和科技文章,主要是电子学、光电子学、半导体电子学,以及电信领域文章的索引和摘要编辑工作。

Gaishan Technology, CADI Scientific and Taiwan Semiconductor Company Ltd (Taiwan semiconductor Inc.) the RFID that using Skye peaceful gram is read write implement science and technology, offer advanced personnel processing and product certification solution.

Gaishan Technology、CADI Scientific以及 Taiwan Semiconductor Company Ltd(台湾半导体股份有限公司)都正在操纵 Skye泰克的 RFID 读写器科技,供给前进前辈的人员治理和产物认证解决方案。

The main purpose of this study is to examine the concentration distribution of emitted ozone in the work environment of UV equipment in a Color Filter plant. A fogger was used to visualize the direction of ozone-laden air flow. MDA toxic gas detector (Scientific ChemKey TLD-1, Zellweger Analytics, England) with chemical paper was used to measure the emitted ozone concentration at the breathing zone of operators and the exit of the UV equipment.

本研究主要目的在研究彩色滤光片厂UV清洗机作业环境臭氧逸散浓度分布情形,藉由烟雾可视化,调查臭氧逸散烟流走向,并以MDA毒性气体侦测器(Scientific ChemKey TLD-1, Zellweger Analytics, England)搭配化学纸带进行臭氧逸散浓度量测,量测点为劳工个人工作站之呼吸带及UV清洗机台出片端。

Using fixed or scientific lets us print numbers lined up in columns. This strategy ensures that the decimal point is always in a fixed position relative to the fractional part being printed.

使用 fixed 或 scientific 命名我们能够按列对齐来显示数,这一策略保证小数点总是在相对于被显示的小数部分固定的位置。

Scientifie thought,as an épistémè,is strange to our culture but we Chinese have to construct our society today by means of the result of scientific thought.

论文关键词科学思想史/社会历史责任the history of scientific thought;social and historic duty,论文来源自然辩证法研究,论文单位京,点击次数 11,论文页数 63~67页2000年2000月论文网 http://www.lw23.com/paper_88195831/我们的文化对于作为一种认识形态的科学思想具有一种先天的陌生,而我们这个民族却又不得不求助于这种思想的成果来构造我们现今的社会。

Scientific AG, a firm based in Bakersfield, California, helps broker pollination deals between local almond growers and apiarists from across America.

Scientific AG是加利福尼亚州贝克斯菲尔德市的一家公司,该公司的业务是帮助授粉经纪人在本地杏树种植者和美国各地的养蜂人之间达成交易。

Scientific AG, a firm based in Bakersfield, California, helps broker pollination deals between local almond growers and apiarists from across America.

Scientific AG是一家坐落在加州贝克斯菲尔德的工厂,主要帮助地方杏树种植者和遍布全美的养蜂人牵线搭桥。

If we want to force either scientific or fixed notation, we can do so by using the appropriate manipulator: The scientific manipulator changes the stream to use scientific notation.

如果希望强制科学记数法或固定位数小数表示,可以通过使用适当的操纵符做到这一点: scientific 操纵符将流变为使用科学记数法。

Programming, by setting the ios:: scientific and ios:: fixed flag with fixed-point and scientific notation floating-point data types.


Employing modern deep drilling techniques, Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling Project is to drill a 5000 meter deep hole in the eastern part of Dabie-Sulu ultra-high pressure metamorphic belt that has global geoscientific significance.

中国大陆科学钻探工程(Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling Program,CCSD)是利用现代深部钻探高新技术,在具有全球地学意义的大别-苏鲁超高压变质带实施中国第一口5000米科学深钻,利用从钻孔中获取的岩心及液、气态样品及原位测量数据,进行多学科综合研究,揭示大陆造山带的深部物质组成与结构构造,重塑超高压变质带形成与折返机制,探索深部流体与生物圈,检测现代地质运动,建立长期的地下观测实验站及地壳深部物质研究基地。

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45 Scientific

But in the course of internationalization, they meet with misunderstanding and puzzlement.


Inorder toaccomplish this goal as quickly as possible, we'll beteamingup with anexperienced group of modelers, skinners, and animatorswhosenames willbe announced in the coming weeks.


They answered and said to him, Are you also from Galilee?

7:52 他们回答他说,难道你也是出于加利利么?