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与 scent 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Chemical senses; chemoreception; chemoreceptors; infochemicals; semiochemicals; chemical stimuli; chemical communication; chemical cues; chemical perception; pheromone biosynthesis-activating neuropeptide; PBAN; pheromone-binding protein; scent gland; scents; scent marking behavior; territorial behavior


Review articles only; chemical senses; chemoreception; chemoreceptors; infochemicals; semiochemicals; chemical stimuli; chemical communication; chemical cues; chemical perception; vomeronasal organ; vomeronasal epithelium; vomeromodulin; pheromone-binding protein; pheromone biosynthesis-activating neuropeptide; PBAN; Dufour's gland; scent gland; scents; scent marking behavior; territorial behavior; trail following behavior; feeding behavior; mating behavior; reproductive behavior


Chemical senses; chemoreception; chemoreceptors; infochemicals; semiochemicals; chemical stimuli; chemical communication; chemical cues; chemical perception; vomeronasal organ; vomeronasal epithelium; vomeromodulin; pheromone-binding protein; pheromone biosynthesis-activating neuropeptide; PBAN; Dufour's gland; scent gland; scents; scent marking behavior; territorial behavior; feeding behavior; mating behavior; reproductive behavior; trail following behavior


Chemical senses; chemoreception; chemoreceptors; infochemicals; semiochemicals; chemical stimuli; chemical communication; chemical cues; chemical perception; pheromones; pheromone receptors; pheromone traps; pheromone emission; pheromone biosynthesis-activating neuropeptide; PBAN; pheromone-binding protein; pheromone glands; Dufour's gland; scent gland; scents; scent marking behavior; territorial behavior; trail following behavior; trail pheromone; aggregation pheromone; alarm pheromone; marking pheromone; oviposition deterring; queen pheromone; sex pheromone


Whenever the door of this coalhole was opened a violent whiff of alcohol mingled with the scent of stale cooking in the lodge, as well as with the penetrating scent of the flowers upon the table.


After waiting half an hour, they simulated the ants' return by dropping glass beads into the nest entrance at regular intervals—some coated with patroller scent, some with maintenance worker scent, some with no scent.


The only scent the Samoyed has is the musk exuded between the pads for scent marking.


Behavioral responses of red panda to anogenital gland secretions scent in non-breeding seasonThe male can receive signal in the odor of anogenital gland secretion, and arose obvious territorial behavior, but can not distinguish sex via anogenital gland secretion scent.


We are in ravenstoke Alaska, where the line between civilization and wild is barely Discernible, everyone here doesn't care about that, it's been tough for the men ^In ravenstoke, the population is about 3000 people, less than 300 are women So 2 weeks ago, ravenstoke elders came together and found a solution, I was ^Hunting and watching the deer leaving their scent to track the mate This is where the idea came from, desperate time men, desperate men^So the men of ravenstoke agreed on a plan to spray the entire town with scent We want more people to spray the town, you spray more you get more^The campaign involved the entire community, which came to ensure Every … and cranny was covered, the results came quickly, women^Lots of women, day and night they arrived at tide and titillation It's been really good for the community, it's been good because^The economy is really increased, the restaurant and bar are doing better Is it a great sacrifice to you to put up the girls?

中文字幕:我们现在在阿拉斯加的ravenstoke镇,在这里文明与荒蛮的界限难以察觉这里的人对此并不在意。ravenstoke镇的男子们生活很艰苦^这个城镇人口有大约3000人,女性只有不到300 两周前,镇上的长者聚在一起,为男女失衡的问题寻找解决方案^当时我正在猎鹿,当我看到鹿们为了寻找配偶留下自己的气味时得到了灵感这就是这个想法的最初来源,非常困难时期的非常决定 ^小镇的人们开始在整个城镇喷洒香水我们想让更多人加入进来,因为喷得越多,来的女性就越多^整个小镇都被动员起来,确保每一寸土地都不漏掉,结果很快就产生了^很多很多的女性蜂拥而至,她们夜以继日的涌入这个城镇这对这个城镇很好,因为^经济得到促进,餐馆和酒吧的生意更好了让女孩留宿对你而言是个很大的牺牲吗?

Using the principle of diamond v ibrational energy for reference , SCENT HOUSE utilizes the unique functions of diamond micro-dermabrasion lotion to combine diamond micro-dermabrasion lotion and the paste of personal care products to better protect human skin and hair, achieving the perfect unification of " nature, science and fashion ".

水是美丽之源,SCENT HOUSE借鉴钻石波动能原理,利用钻石微雕水的独特功能,让钻石微雕水与护理品膏体配方有机结合,更好地保护了人体的肌肤和毛发,真正达到了&自然、科技、时尚&的完美统一。

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Scent Of A Woman
Lemon Scent
Scent Of A Mule
Scent Of A Woman

We are interested in your suggestions about appointing us to be the single dealer.


Three types of empty-shell marriages have been identified. In a devitalized relationship husband and wife lack excitement or any real interest in their spouse or their marriage.


The deer tick is the variety that carries Lyme disease bacteria, but other types of ticks carry different unpleasant diseases.
