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与 scaffolding 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The author suggests some ways to apply the situated learning theory in the elemetary education practice, such as: designing authentic learning activities and curricula ; adopting the learning model of the cognitive appentice ; teaching with scaffolding and coaching ; emphasizing the cooperative or collaborative learning activities; and employing the situated-learning-based multiple computer program teaching and learning.


It is certainly true, as Schiller saw, that the Greek chorus of satyrs, the chorus of primitive tragedy, moved on ideal ground, a ground raised high above the common path of mortals. The Greek has built for his chow he scaffolding of a fictive chthonic realm and placed thereon fictive nature spirits.


One of the synthetic methods of the MAP is to connect subsequent amino acid one by one with the lysine belonging to the lysine-tree scaffolding. Because of the steric hinderance effect, synthesis becomes more and more difficult. And for so many crippled peptides in the MAP, the reactivity of it is not so good.


Product Usage: mainly used for roof powder layer, noise walls, Blade motor housings, all kinds of machine tools and other equipment in the automotive air filter and heat protective Department; the electronics industry and home appliance products, such as the protection of civilian decoration ; the escalators to operate various types of operations, walkways pedal, scaffolding, large and small griddle; high-strength reinforced concrete; Highway isolation lairage; flower: sub-slide tower, electroplating trough, the electrode blue.


Scaffolding is used for construction working platform and shuttering assistant support.


In other words, scaffolding should be spiraled.


The Statue of Liberty, swaddled in scaffolding, began a $30 million, two-year overall refurbishment, which has come to be regarded, sometimes almost subliminally, as a symbol of a larger national renovation.


Around 1,300 workers were hired to assemble the tree, constructed from 410 tons of metal scaffolding supported by 11 barges.


He loved his new life, clambering about on roofs and scaffolding, lifting and hammering great beams into place that still smelled of the forest.


Though the city may seem obscured by neon and scaffolding, there are still wonderful nooks and crannies all around us, and Qianmen Street is one of them.


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I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
