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与 row 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

As pointed out by Deville et al., a class of connected row-convex constraints is shown to be tractable.

相接行凸(connected row-convex,简称CRC)约束网络是Deville等人提出的一类易处理问题。

With ROW partitions, we do not have the limitation of RANGE partition - the data may be of any type and the order by may include many columns.

对于 ROW的划分,不受 RANGE划分的限制——数据可以是任何类型, order by 可包括许多列。

ROW Studio designed a new luxury apartment complex in a heavily wooded area in southern Mexico City.


It is a staple of Southern United States cuisine , e.g., to make pecan pie , and is pronounced "KAY-row" in that region.


Recent projects developed by the private sector are Santa Row is such a space in Silicon Valley and City Center in Oakland in Oakland.

比如最近就有个私有企业投资了一个叫SANTA ROW的项目在硅谷和OAKLAND市中心,这个项目是我所在的VBN公司设计的。

A tailored suit is a touch of class, and one from Savile Row is a sign of sophistication.

定制西服是一个阶层的象征,而只有来自于Savile Row的定制西服才是品位的象征。

But even if you are wearing the best Savile Row suit and the shoes are not up to the mark, well ...

即使你穿着最好的Savile Row套装,然而鞋子不够档次标准的话,那么。。。

Or hand-stitched details to rival those you might find on the interior of tweed pants made on Savile Row?

或者你想要手织的详细资料来与那些Savile Row上斜纹软呢裤竞争?

English tailoring has a long history in Japan, where one of the words for suit,"sebiro," some say derives from Savile Row, a street in London known for its bespoke suitmakers.Agencies

英式裁剪在日本历史悠久,日语中sebiro这个词,就源自伦敦的Savile Row 街,这条街道十分著名,街上的裁缝店专为达官贵人订做西服。

Though 2-D DCT/IDCT roughly are divided into row-column decomposition and not row-column decomposition. NRCD is more efficient than RCD, but it is relatively too complex for hardware to be implemented. So the design structure of this thesis also uses RCD as usual.

虽然 2-D DCT/IDCT 大致分为行列分解演算法(Row-Column Decomposition)及非行列分解演算法(Not Row-Column Decomposition),而且非行列分解演算法会比较有效率,但是硬体实现的复杂度相对提高,故一般采用行列分解演算法。

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Death Row
Front Row
Three Days In A Row
(Biding Time Is A) Boat To Row
Hard Row
Desolation Row
Death Row
The Back Roads And The Back Row
Death Row Conversation
Viceroy's Row

We are interested in your suggestions about appointing us to be the single dealer.


Three types of empty-shell marriages have been identified. In a devitalized relationship husband and wife lack excitement or any real interest in their spouse or their marriage.


The deer tick is the variety that carries Lyme disease bacteria, but other types of ticks carry different unpleasant diseases.
