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与 room 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Software Description: About Room Arranger, This program allows you to design rooms in your apartment or plan garden layouts.

Room Arranger 这个程序让你可以进行你的公寓房间设计或者计划花园规划。

He started in 1960s London and then moved on to New York, where the spots he built include the Slipper Room, a burlesque club that has been running for 10 years.

他的事业从上世纪60年代的伦敦开始,然后搬到了纽约,在那里他打造的表演场所包括Slipper Room,这家艳舞俱乐部已经经营了十年之久。

These articles can be imported from documents of various formats such as TXT, RTF, DOC, HTM, MHT, SWF, GIF, JPG or PDF files, captured from the clipboard or copied from selected IE content. E-Stack Room offers a combination of features like tree-type organization, rich text editor and secure encryption.

这些项目可以从文档中导出为诸如:TXT, RTF, DOC, HTM, MHT, SWF, GIF,JPG或者PDF格式的文件,可以扑获剪贴板上的内容或者拷贝选取的IE浏览器上的内容。E-Stack Room提供类似树形结构、富文本编辑器以及安全加密这些综合功能。

Ariza and Clippers guard Baron Davis own part of the Conga Room club, which opened Wednesday at L.A.

阿里扎和快船后卫拜伦-戴维斯持有 Conga Room 俱乐部的股权,这一俱乐部周三在斯塔普斯中心街道对面的 L.A。

Dark"rehearsal room equipment:Guitar sound box: Fender STAGE100 Peavey scorpion 112 Bass sound boxes: ROSS 60w Keyboard sound box: Peavey KB100 Drum: The BLSAT high-level fifth or the last watch of the night,the drum skin is the REMO oil skin Rent: 20RMB /1H Drummer:10RMB/1H rehearsal room address: Hongkou area Quyang road 621 underground approach north Zhongshan two groups transportations: 123 sectors, 817,115,116,405,142,751,329,848,554,134 the orbital transportation line3 Chifeng road stands walks 10 minutes then to arrive this rehearsal room to be located on Tongji University outside nearby the second dawn, welcome these universities the student orchestra to come to rehearse Telephone: Jing Yuan Zhang:13524906909 Ice:13482460809 QQ:195472310 MSN:zhangjingyuan_4444hotmail.com

Certainly, the dark room also can be bright…"暗"排练房设备:吉他音箱:芬达STAGE100 百威蝎子112 贝斯音箱:ROSS 60 键盘音箱:百威KB100 鼓:BLSAT高级五鼓,鼓皮为REMO油皮租金:排练20元/1小时鼓手练习10元/1小时排练房地址:虹口区曲阳路651号地下靠近中山北二路交通:123区间,817,115,116,405,142,751,329,848,554,134等均能到达轨道交通3号线赤峰路站下步行10分钟即可到达本排练房位于同济上外复旦附近,欢迎这几所高校的学生乐队前来排练联系电话:13524906909张景元 13482460809冰

In comparison to Lessing's Room Nineteen, artists of this exhibition are lucky to have their own invisible ROOM.


Ensure you unmark "Same Room" and System will turn on "Other Room" button.

首先取消"Same Room"的勾,就会看见"Other Room"键出现。

First Floor:Store Room-Move past the surveillance camera and enter the room with the single guard(this is the room with the two doors at the other end and aration you can reach by crawling under apipe).

一楼:储物间(First Floor:Store Room):经过监视摄像头,进入这个有一个守卫的房间这个房间的另一端有两扇门,还有一个干粮(Ration,就是那种圆圆的小饼,可以用来恢复生命。

If you mark SAME ROOM field, which means your BALANCE TRANSFER is within one room but window to window ** After that, you will see System created two transactions for you.

假如点上SAME ROOM栏,就表示同房里窗号余额转移**完成后,就旁会看到707多了一笔正数而708多了一笔页数。

Pool Mansion : The Travancore Heritage has 2 pool mansion suites with private pools set in independent villas, with air conditioned spacious bed room, a drawing room and sit-out or verandah with rich period furniture and all modern amenities of attached toilet with lavish fittings with 24 hours cold/hot water showers.

Room Facility:池大厦:该Travancore遗产有2个游泳池大厦套房与私人游泳池一套独立别墅,有宽敞的床空调室,会客厅和静坐或阳台具有丰富的家具和所有现代设施的重视厕所与奢华配件24小时冷/热水淋浴。

第1/100页 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... > 尾页
Like An Angel Passing Through My Room
Black Room Boy
Crowded Room
Room At The Top
Room Service
When You Walk In The Room
In My Room
Back Of The Room
The Quiet Room
Her Room (Marvin's Room Remix)

We are interested in your suggestions about appointing us to be the single dealer.


Three types of empty-shell marriages have been identified. In a devitalized relationship husband and wife lack excitement or any real interest in their spouse or their marriage.


The deer tick is the variety that carries Lyme disease bacteria, but other types of ticks carry different unpleasant diseases.
