英语人>网络例句>rogue 相关的网络例句

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与 rogue 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Fortunately, the rogue class also improved by a big margin in TBC. For starters, the 3 second garrote silence can be comboed for big damage. Water elemental itself isn't too sturdy, as a combat rogue if the mage ice blocks I can kill it in 5 seconds with AR up.


Rogue Im sorry. I requirement a ride, I intellection you could support me. I...


They received my rogue, and i asked the service person about the letter i received....


Rogue The prototypal pupil I ever kissed ended up in a comatoseness for threesome weeks.


Spriest/rogue - Ill rush in and get a vipersting on the priest, flare up/trap - they can either accept that the priest is gonna start the fight with less mana and the rogue can get in a good position, or the spriest starts the fight and the rogue eats the flare/trap.


Spriest/rogue - Ill rush in and get a vipersting on the priest, flare up/trap - they can either accept that the priest is gonna start the fight with less mana and the rogue can get in a good position, or the spriest starts the fight and the rogue eats the flare/trap.


As a side note, i recently took a drive to a nearby city, about 500 km away and 4800ft of change in elevation...on the way "up" theres a sudden change in elevation for about 100 km but maybe 3000ft elev....i was in a hurry and i was at full throttle almost for the entire trip, and when i reached that steep incline, the rogue slowed down from 150kmph to 120 kmph, even if i had the pedal to the floor, it wont go faster...only after a 45 minutes period of 120kmph it started gaining speed again but didnt reach the 170kmph as i have seen before...when driving back there was no problem at all, even when i was again at full throttle most of the time...both times i was the only occupant of the vehicle on daytime driving and straightways about 50 km long...

附带注记一下。最近我开车到附近的一个城市,路上大约 500 公里远,在约 100 公里内的爬升 4800ft海拔的突升变化,但也许 3000ft 海拔。。。。我是匆忙以及我是在几乎为在整个的旅途的完整节流,我到达该陡峭的斜坡,rogue 速度开始下降,从 150 kmph 到 120 kmph,即使我将油门脚踏它到底,它并没走得更快。。。持续45 分钟内只保持在 120 kmph 然后它开始再次获得速度,但没有达到 170 的 kmph,正如我之前所曾见。。。驾驶回程时始终没有问题,甚至当我再次在完整的节流大部分时间。。。来回程我是该车辆的唯一乘员,白天驾驶及直线路约 50 公里长。。。

Certainly in USSR many saw China as a far more likely adversary than USA in 1960s and some Stalinist hardliners may even have plotted to start a nuclear war between US and China as a means of naturalizing Mao (see "Red Star Rogue").

上个世纪60年代前苏联还一度视中国为比美国更为可能的入侵国家,一些奉行强硬路线的斯大林主义者甚至还密谋策划过中美之间的核战争来除掉毛泽东(参见《Red Star Rogue

Contrary to what is shown in the second film, this spell does not blow up Rogue Bludgers.

与第二部电影不同的是,这个咒语并不能使被下咒的游走球(这里的Rogue Bludgers是引用密室第十章的标题,The Rogue Bludger,所以如果正式翻译不是&被下咒的游走球&,还请校对人按正式翻译修改)爆炸。

The resulting list of rules became the first draft of the "Rogue Wave Java Style Guide."

这份规则列表最终就成为了Rogue Wave Java Style Guide的最初草稿。

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A Fine Evening For A Rogue

But in the course of internationalization, they meet with misunderstanding and puzzlement.


Inorder toaccomplish this goal as quickly as possible, we'll beteamingup with anexperienced group of modelers, skinners, and animatorswhosenames willbe announced in the coming weeks.


They answered and said to him, Are you also from Galilee?

7:52 他们回答他说,难道你也是出于加利利么?