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与 riskily 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Epidemiology investigates indicated that acute cerebrovascular disease was the third disease cutthroat except cardiovascular disease and cancer, threatenning health of mankind seriously, especially intracerebral hemorrhage which with high mortality and maimed rate, coming on suddenly and riskily, was the biggest bane to human.


That Iran might lash out at the "Great Satan", America, or less riskily against the "Little Satan", Britain, might have been predicted.

伊朗也许会&擒贼先擒王&,&痛击&被称为&大撒旦&的美国,或者更保险的是对英国这个&小撒旦&采用此招——这本有可能被预测到。2004年,伊朗革命卫队(波斯语中叫Pasdaran)曾在阿拉伯河(Shatt al-Arab)航道俘虏了八名英国海军。

When assessing the strategy combinations in the future, the aquaculture biotechnology companies will be allowed to put emphasis on the investment of "Cash Cows", including the high quality fries and the production technology, its will bring the companies lots of profit. But the "Stars", including production equipments, the prevention and control of fish disease, the feed supplements and the environmental improvements, under industry the investment, it then will possibly take the companies toward the direction of the "Cash Cow" enterprise and gain munificent income. When the companies still have funds available, they may consider to investing in "Problem Children" enterprise, including the transgenic, the functional gene, the new variety research and the biology repair medicament. These enterprises still have the development potential, but in contrast they are operated more riskily.


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Next time I see you,I shall give you a black eye.


In this paper,design scheme of classification system of wood surface color is established.


With a few exceptions (a sea-monster attack seems to go on forever), this is where the film outdoes its predecessor.
