英语人>网络例句>risk 相关的网络例句
与 risk 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The current value-at-risk based treatment for assessing capital for trading book risk does not capture extraordinary events that can affect many such exposures.

某些特殊的风险实践可能对商业银行的交易类资产价值产生广泛的影响,而目前用于计算交易账户风险资本标准的风险价值法(value-at-risk, VaR)对此无能为力。

Think of the board game Risk, and the countries in that game.


Calculated Risk says much of what I'd say about housing and the prospects for quick economic recovery.

Calculated Risk 这位网友1,关于房地产市场和经济快速复苏前景的讨论,很多都是我要说的。

The Mean-CVaR (Conditional Value-at-Risk) portfolio optimization model is proposed to calculate a globally optimal portfolio under concave transaction costs. A non-decreasing concave function is employed to approximate origin transaction costs function.

研究了当投资组合的风险用条件风险价值(Conditional Value at Risk,简称CVaR)度量,考虑凹交易费用的投资组合选择问题,通过对交易费用采用非线性的凹函数,建立了一个均值-CVaR模型。

We introduce the basic concepts needed to analyze the estimation error in VC theory by showing the connection between Empirical Risk Minimization consistency and uniform convergence and illustrate necessary and sufficient conditions for the consistency of the ERM principle, that is for the convergence of the minimum of the empirical risk to the minimum of the expected risk.

为了整合最小化经验风险和最小化期望风险理论,我们将藉由最小化经验风险(Empirical Risk Minimization, ERM)及统一收敛性举例说明原理的必要与充份条件,以分析VC计算理论的误差估算所需的基本概念。

It is basically a derivate from Risk, the popular board game.


The bilevel newsvendor model based on CVaR (Conditional Value-at-Risk) is presented in this paper, in which the supplier is considered as the decision-maker of the upper level while the retailer as the follower.

本文以供应商为领导层,零售商为从属层,基于CVaR(Conditional value-at-Risk)准则,建立了两个双层报童问题模型。

VaR is an important measure of risk which has been extensively recognized in the areaof finance, but it is not a Coherent Measure of Risk by reason of lack of subadditivity.

VaR ( Value at Risk ,简称为VaR )是金融界广泛认同的重要的风险度量,但它不满足次可加性,不是一致性风险度量。

This paper traces developments in the credit risk mea surement literature over the last 20 yearsEssentially,the author reviews the main current credit risk measurement models,egexpert system,credit scoring system,term structure model,mortality model,RAROC model,and CreditMetrics,CreditRisk+,CreditPortfolio View,KmV etcAlso,the author discusses the Suitableness of new models applying in credit risk measuring in credit cooperatives in rural China

本文回顾和介评了 2 0年来特别是近年来信用风险评价方法及模型进展,包括传统的主观分析法、信用评分系统、期限结构模型、死亡率模型、 RAROC模型以及新近推出的所谓内部模型如 Credit- VAR、Ceadit Risk+等。最后,简要分析了国际上流行的信用评价方法对我国农村信用社的适用性

This paper carries on the discussion and collects to the security risk factor of such aspects as the technology, management and system, etc. And propose a Measurement-based Improvement Operation for Software Security Risk (SEcurity Risk Improvement Operation; SERIO). Applying the SERIO to software development, can help to find out the potential security risk, derive out improvement of the security risk and control operation, and increase the security of the software system effectively.

本文针对技术、管及制等层面的安全风险因子进探讨与搜集,且提出一套以测为基础的软体安全风险改善作业(SEcurity Risk Improvement Operation; SERIO),协助软体开发过程中,找出潜在的安全风险,且衍生出安全风险的改善与监控作业,有效提高软体系统的安全性。

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Risk It All
Risk It All
Risk It All
Running The Risk
Risk My Soul
Flight Risk
High Risk Insurance
Risk It All

We are interested in your suggestions about appointing us to be the single dealer.


Three types of empty-shell marriages have been identified. In a devitalized relationship husband and wife lack excitement or any real interest in their spouse or their marriage.


The deer tick is the variety that carries Lyme disease bacteria, but other types of ticks carry different unpleasant diseases.
