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Chest x-ray reveals a 4 cm mass in the left upper lobe. CT scan of the lung reveals mediastinal adenopathy.


Chest x-ray reveals a 4 cm ma in the left u er lobe. CT scan of the lung reveals mediastinal adenopathy.


The book also reveals the most astonishing discovery beyond the memory of men:1\ The magic "Cross Force" in the universe emerge eventually;2\Secret of another group of "X" planets from the solar system;3\ The invisible hand pushing the earth rotating reveals its real look;4\The stillness enigma of the background space in the fixed-star lay of the solar system comes out in the wash..


The basic premise of bloodstain analysis is a droplet's size reveals how much energy was applied, its shape suggests the direction of its source and its distribution reveals how far away from a surface blood was splattered.


Chapter Five shows the case study of the beauty of math in high school teaching. Conic section is taken as an example to unearth the beauty of mathematics in from the following three aspects: 1. the language beauty of conic section reveals the external formal beauty; 2. the methodological beauty and the logical beauty of conic section reflect the internal rational beauty; 3. the beauty of mathematics in conic section reveals the new value in internal knowledge structure of textbooks. Moreover, the application of the beauty of mathematics in high school math teaching is also discussed from the following four points of view: the pursuit of conciseness, the construction of symmetry, the utilization of unity and the discovery of uniqueness.


You are an emotionalism person, sometimes reveals in a lively way active, is likely in crowd's focal point, sometimes reveals lonely, a person places outside the crowd.


Results ①Compared to sham group, ISH and IHC of rat hypothalamic CRHshow positive cells numbers increase, positive areas enlarge and average gray scaledecreases, which reveals the expression of hypothalamic CRH neurons enhances afterPX;②The enhancement of ISH and IHC of hypothalamic CRH in PX rats aftermelatonin supplementation dose-dependently recovers, but it can't return to be normaleither in high dose group or in low dose group and either at 4th week or at 8th week;③IHC of CRH in median eminence of neurohypophysis shows positive areas enlargeand average gray scale decreases, which reveals the releasing of CRH fromhypothalamic CRH neurons increases;④ELISA of CRH in serum shows thedifferences of CRH concentrations among all groups are not significant, which indicates PX and melatonin supplementation have no significant effect on CRH levels.

结果: ①松果体摘除后大鼠下丘脑室旁核CRH 原位杂交和免疫组化的结果与假手术对照组相比均显示阳性细胞数增多、阳性面积增加、平均灰度降低,提示松果体摘除后下丘脑CRH 神经元的表达增强;②松果体摘除大鼠补充褪黑素后,下丘脑CRH 原位杂交和免疫组化染色增强呈剂量依赖性恢复,不过不论是低剂量组还是高剂量组,也不论是术后4 周还是术后8周,均不能恢复至正常;③松果体摘除后神经垂体正中隆起CRH 免疫组化结果显示阳性面积增加、平均灰度降低,提示下丘脑CRH 神经元释放CRH 增加;④ELISA 法检测血清CRH结果示各组血清CRH 浓度差异没有显著性,表明松果体摘除及补充褪黑素对血清CRH 水平没有显著影响。

Results ①Compared to sham group, ISH and IHC of rat hypothalamic CRHshow positive cells numbers increase, positive areas enlarge and average gray scaledecreases, which reveals the expression of hypothalamic CRH neurons enhances afterPX;②The enhancement of ISH and IHC of hypothalamic CRH in PX rats aftermelatonin supplementation dose-dependently recovers, but it can't return to be normaleither in high dose group or in low dose group and either at 4th week or at 8th week;③IHC of CRH in median eminence of neurohypophysis shows positive areas enlargeand average gray scale decreases, which reveals the releasing of CRH fromhypothalamic CRH neurons increases;④ELISA of CRH in serum shows thedifferences of CRH concentrations among all groups are not significant, whichindicates PX and melatonin supplementation have no significant effect on CRH levels.

结果: ①松果体摘除后大鼠下丘脑室旁核CRH 原位杂交和免疫组化的结果与假手术对照组相比均显示阳性细胞数增多、阳性面积增加、平均灰度降低,提示松果体摘除后下丘脑CRH 神经元的表达增强;②松果体摘除大鼠补充褪黑素后,下丘脑CRH 原位杂交和免疫组化染色增强呈剂量依赖性恢复,不过不论是低剂量组还是高剂量组,也不论是术后4 周还是术后8周,均不能恢复至正常;③松果体摘除后神经垂体正中隆起CRH 免疫组化结果显示阳性面积增加、平均灰度降低,提示下丘脑CRH 神经元释放CRH 增加;④ELISA 法检测血清CRH结果示各组血清CRH 浓度差异没有显著性,表明松果体摘除及补充褪黑素对血清CRH 水平没有显著影响。

It studies taxi passenger's daily travel behavior feature: first, it analyzes temporal distribution of them and proposes the solution of dynamic management of taxis by limiting operation period; second, through investigating the uneven spatial distribution of taxi travel demand and nonlinear correlation of travel density and population density, it reveals the shortcoming of linear matching transportion facility with population number in traditional urban transport criterion, also it questions the limited effect of the licence management for taxis, and it proposes dynamically determing taxi scale according to different traffic zones; third, through exploring the taxi travel patterns in special zones, it reveal Hong Kong citizens travel behavior in Shenzhen, which could analyze the impact of demographic feature to the travel behavior and provide scientific testimony for designing transportion service for the special group; fourth, through accurately grasping the spatial-temporal distribution of taxi travel demand, it could provide innotiative and efficient transportion service at different time and in different place, such as taxi-sharing and flexible shuttle to meet the travel demand; through pervasive data, we could inspect urban expansion and sprawl, monitor the separation of inhatitantion center and employment center and reflect the variation of population centriod and distribution; finally, it reveals how to use digital feature of inhabitant daily travel to detect abnormal condition in the city.


It was suggested:(1) A strikingly strong sensitivity to eye gaze is observed from birth, and eye gaze perception is key to the development of language capabilities and social cognition;(2) The neural basis of gaze perception is the superior temporal sulcus, which is heavily connected with the amygdala implicated in processing emotion, and the STS is an important part of a wider network for social cognition neural systems;(3) Processing on early stage of eyes gaze cueing reveals specific event-related potential component;(4)The eyes gaze cueing effect has been labeled reflexive and likened to orienting in response to peripheral cues, however, it lasts longer;(5) The gaze cueing effect is influenced by many different facets, from lower level configural aspects such as face orientation to higher level cognitive factors. Furthermore, the gaze cueing effect reveals significant sex difference in normal adult population.


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X-Ray Reveals Doctor Left Wristwatch Inside Patient

Next time I see you,I shall give you a black eye.


In this paper,design scheme of classification system of wood surface color is established.


With a few exceptions (a sea-monster attack seems to go on forever), this is where the film outdoes its predecessor.
