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与 reserving 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

But in the countries of reserving System of Private Prosecution, Private Prosecution was only used in fewness criminal cases and we should never ignore its meaning of crime prosecution.


Still, I will definitely be reserving a table at Mandarin Express -- to see if there is a serious confrontation with Chinese tradition behind the fruit and flimflam -- on my way to China, where, Ms.


When the pasta is ready, drain it with the beans (reserving 1/2 cup of the liquid), then return the pasta and beans to the pot along with the onion, crème frache, thyme, salt, pepper, goat cheese, and the reserved water.


Reserving hexameter poetry and Comedy for consideration hereafter, let us proceed now to the discussion of Tragedy; before doing so, however, we must gather up the definition resulting from what has been said.


Other experts, however, are reserving judgement until independent tests are carried out.


We shall confine our attention in this section to the general question, reserving the doctrine of papal infallibility for special treatment.


All products are made from fresh and alive seafood by high temperature and pressure supplied with soup cooked by many special seasoning, reserving and balancing necessary nutrition, so the taste is unique and delicious, well-known as high-grade green invigorant.


Dragon kiln warms and cools rapidly, reserving the fresh air. In this good environment, the iron ion would turn blue in color.


In 1820 he was known to have a sum of six hundred and thirty thousand francs lodged in his name with Laffitte; but before reserving these six hundred and thirty thousand francs, he had spent more than a million for the town and its poor.


In 1820 he was known to have a sum of six hundred thirty thousand francs lodged in his name with Laffitte; 8ttt8.com before reserving these six hundred thirty thousand francs, he had spent more than a million for the town its poor.

一八二○年,大家知道他有一笔六十三万法郎的款子用他个人名义存放在拉菲特①银行里;但是 dddTt 在他为自己留下这六十三万法郎以前,他已为这座城市和穷人用去了一百多万。

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We will see more and more activist government policies that distinguish economic activities according to the nationality of the actors.


If we can prove the independence of an axiomatic system, then we can guarantee the conciseness of this system, ie.


You can save 1,200 pounds of carbon dioxide if you cut down your garbage by 10%.
