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与 reason out 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The quality of interior environment in nursing home residents will become one of the attention-getting subjects due to the gradual increase of aging populations This paper directs at the research of nursing home's interior environment factors in Tainan We use the standard of international practice to analyze the intrinsical data of environmental monitoring and establish the characteristics which from environmental physical reaction of nursing home The research items are air environments (PM10 CO CO2 formaldehyde TVOC) temperate environments and light environment (illumination average brightness daylight factor) etc There are the inductive conclusions of this research: 1 In basic medicine the clinical diagnosis means the theory and technique about physical examination with patients The definition of clinical diagnosis in architecture should be the diagnosis of building preserve and improve the feasible way to extend building's service life and assure the residents of the healthy quality of interior environment The object of clinical diagnosis in architecture is not only to ensure the use of structure and environment quality but also keep the structure and environment quality in sustainable; therefore creating an efficient system of preserving plan is needed 2 It is an accurate and technical circumstance which about improving remedying and reconstructing the problems of structure space This circumstance includes finding questions ensuring causation ascertaining ultimate strength evaluating environment quality estimating the necessary of restoration and implementing on a suitable way Furthermore when reconstructing and ameliorating the appearance of structure space it should be respected and the memories of it should be preserved 3 In clinical diagnosis of environment quality of space the question of physical environment and the deficiencies of structure must be separated The structure space of construction and the high quality of space should be inspected strictly then observed the crucial reason that can find out any invisible and hidden causes The diagnosis of construction is to observe the reason of destroyed structure The environmental diagnosis of indoor and outdoor is to find out the crucial reason that influences health 4 In order to decrease the iterant problems the construction and environment of space should be diagnosed However the destruction by natural strength and artificial using by human are important causes that can affect the service life of construction Searching the cause of disease just like curing the patient which includes inspection diagnosis cure and prevention We tested the thermal conductivity of siding material in this research and then found out the roof east vertical face and west vertical face have most radiant heat especially the construction of RC The characteristics of opaquely outer casing have relations with the thermal conductivity of wall to wiz the ability of heat insulation Therefore increasing the efficiency of heat insulation and decreasing the endoergic factor of insolation are very important to temperate environments

而随著国内老年人人口逐渐增加,逐渐迈向高龄化之同时,对於高龄者使用空间之室内环境品质相关议题之探讨,亦成为未来我们需加以关注之议题之一。主要为针对台南某安养中心室内环境因子进行检测调查工作,利用现场室内环境测定以取得有效的实测数据;再藉由汇整相关国际评估基准,并进行实测数据比对分析,建立老人安养中心对物理环境反应之特性。并以前期相关研究文献回顾与老人安养中心实测案例现场的实验,来了解不同空间物理环境特性之影响,并将结果回馈实际建筑及室内设计之用。调查工作项目包含:空气环境之PM10、CO、CO2、甲醛、TVOC;温热环境之室内温度、相对湿度、人体PMV、PPD;光环境之照度、均齐度、昼光率等因子调查。本研究结果可归纳以下几点结论: 1 所谓临床诊断医学乃相对於基础医学而言,是指实际与病人接触的医疗及护理行为中牵涉到的理论和技术;而建筑的临床诊断的定义应为建筑本体与室内外诊断、维护及改善所有可行的方式来延长建筑物的寿命,并确保人与室内环境空间品质的健康。建筑临床诊断目的为确保结构体与环境品质能继续使用,而能维持所需要的效能及承受能力。一个有效的维护计画体系是必须建立的 2 在建筑空间之问题改善、治疗与修复执行中,是一个精确与技术性的事项,其中包含找出问题、确定原因、评估结构应力强度、评估环境品质、评估修复与改善必要性、选择及执行一个适当的过程。其改善与修复也必须尊重建筑空间原有色彩与形貌,并保留原有记忆及文化。 3 在临床诊断中空间环境品质中,物理性环境问题与结构构件缺陷必须分别判断,诊断建筑空间之结构与空间舒适品质必须详细观察其症结性问题,才能发现任何隐藏及有潜伏性缺陷的原因。建筑本体诊断是观察出建筑本体之破坏原因,而是内外空间环境诊断目的在於的找出影响健康因素之症结性问题。 4 建筑本体与空间环境之预防评估目的为降低与抑制问题的再发生。然而,自然力的破坏与人为使用因素皆是影响建筑生命期之主要因素,找出病源问题就如同医生对病人的处理,包含了侦查、诊断、治疗以及预防。 5 本研究以外墙材料热传导率测试结果发现,屋面与东西向立面是承受辐射热最多的地方,尤以 RC 的建筑更甚,不透明部分的外壳能特性主要与壁体的热传透率即隔热能力有关,但是承受来自日射的吸热影响,因此增加隔热性能与降低日射吸热因子是对温热环境是非常重要的。

And then the two fragments were spliced in vitro at the temperature of 16℃,25℃,37℃.The reaction can promote the formation of terminal dimerization so that we can reason out the answer to the specific binding between IN and IC.


The reason is that on recent CPU such as P4, there is a feature called: Out of Order Execution.

因为现在的CPU(如P4)具有被称之为"Out of Order Execution"的功能。

But in practical operating, overvoltage caused by reignition of the vacuum switching device frequently appears, and it result in damage of the capacitor bank or the switchgear itself. Ensuring the switchgear against reignition and installing a protective device are two main approaches to avoid the phenomenon. In this paper, a study on overvoltage caused by reignition due to capacitor bank switching with the vacuum switching device and its preventive measures are carried out. The main work which has been done and researches are as follows: 1. The producing mechanism of overvoltage and its influence factor are analyzed. It is pointed out that single-phase reignition is the main reason for damage of the switchgear and two-phase reignition is the main reason for damage of the capacitor bank,so overvoltage of single-phase reignition and two-phase reignition are the emphases of prevention. 2. Analysis of the special working condition of the operating switch for capacitor bank is carried out. It indicates that the vacuum switching device is difficult to realize no-reignition under this operation condition, so it is more practical to adopt protection devices. 3. Analyses of protection effect of RC and MOA and their shortages are carried out. It shows that the two methods can only restrain effectively overvoltage caused by single-phase reignition, and they cannot protect the capacitor bank when reignition of two-phase occurs. 4. The operation principle of G-R damping device is analyzed and discussed emphatically.

本文针对真空开关投切电容器组时因重燃而产生的过电压及其防治措施进行了研究,所开展的主要工作和研究结果如下: 1、对过电压的产生机理及其影响因素进行了分析,指出单相重燃是导致开关设备损坏的主要原因,而两相重燃则是导致电容器组损坏的主要原因,因此单相重燃和两相重燃过电压是防护的重点; 2、对电容器组操作开关的特殊运行条件进行了分析,指出在这种运行条件真空开关难于实现不重燃,因此采用保护装置更具有现实意义; 3、对RC与MOA的保护效果和存在的不足进行了分析,指出这两种方法均只能有效抑制单相重燃过电压,而不能在发生两相重燃时保护电容器组; 4、重点对G-R阻尼装置的工作原理进行了分析和讨论,指出该装置接入后线路中将会出现两种频率的高频振荡,而电容器组上的过电压是由这两种振荡共同决定的; 5、根据对上述两种振荡的分析指出存在一个最佳电阻值使得过电压最低,并提出了电容器组电压和最佳电阻值的近似求解方法; 6、使用电气暂态分析软件MATLAB对G-R装置的保护效果进行了仿真计算,证实该装置确实可以有效抑制重燃时的电容器组过电压; 7、根据仿真与近似计算结果的偏差提出了近似计算的修正方法,经过修正后的过电压计算结果与仿真结果吻合较好; 8、对G-R装置中放电装置G与阻尼电阻R的要求进行了分析,指出采用编织电阻和真空间隙可能是最佳选择。

"Against all liabilities, claims, demands, proceedings, costs or expenses of whatsoeer nature which may be made or brought against or incurred by the lessor by reason of any loss, injury, death or damage caused or chaimed to be caused to any person or of any loss of or damage to property occasioned by or arising or claimed to be occasioned or to arise directly or indirectly out of the manufacture, deliery, presence, possession, proision, operation, use, instalment, remoal, transportation, replacement or repair of the goods and whether arising or claimed to arise out of defects in the goods or by reason of the goods infringing or being claimed to infringe any patent, copyright, confidential information of other intellectual property rights."


Reason for selection: When the television or print media discuss the most popular words of 2009, many of them acknowledged that "Out" is popular while detesting it.


For original sin is not a sin which is committed, but it inheres in the nature, substance, and essence of man, so that, though no wicked thought ever should arise in the heart of corrupt man, no idle word were spoken, no wicked deed were done, yet the nature is nevertheless corrupted through original sin, which is born in us by reason of the sinful seed, and is a fountainhead of all other actual sins, as wicked thoughts, words, and works, as it is written Matt.

对於原罪,是不是一种罪过,这是承诺,但它inheres在性质,内容,以人的本质,所以说,虽然没有邪恶的思想任何时候都应该出现在心脏的腐败男子,没有闲置字分别发言后,没有恶人契约的人做的,但性质却是败坏通过的原罪,这是出生在美因该罪孽深重的种子,是一个源泉,所有其他实际捷联惯导系统,由於邪恶思想,言论,及工务,因为它是写马特。15, 19: Out of the heart proceed evil thoughts。

When you think a kid choosed to have another try instead of dropping out, and when you think a kid walked away from the drug seller, and you think that all this is partly owed to you, you will feel great.

主干部分是it is a great feeling, it是形式主语,to think 直到句末是动词不定式短语,是真正的主语。to think 后跟了一个宾语从句,reason后跟了两个并列的定语从句,省关系代词why。

The enterprise carries on the earnings management using the debt reorganization the reason, finally aims at the reason which pointed out that proposed the concrete solution and the coordinated sets of measures through to these question's discussion, enable the debt reorganization to play its positive role and the effect truly in order to, can lighten the enterprise burden, helps our country To be listed to get out of trouble, promotes its economical development.


The sight of those sun-warmed cheeks, and fingers twining round the flower-stalks, her pearly teeth, and hair all fragrant, stole the reason out of Shelton


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The commercials enigmatically depicted various scenes from what appeared to be a short narrative that climaxed with a car crashing into a swimming pool.


If you are wanting the best, designer gold and diamond necklaces are the very best.


Our country's deserts mainly lie in arid and semiarid areas, mostly with scarce precipitation and lack of water resource, neither natural vegetation with relatively strong drought-resistance capability nor plantation, like diversifolious poplar, dryland willow, shrubby sand willow, saxoul and Hedysarum mongolicum Turcz,etc., can be protected effectively, this leads to desertification area expansion and frequent sand storm, which seriously affect people's work and life.
