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与 ranged 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The results were summarized as follows:(1) the 4-week interval retest reliability for the Decidedness, Comfort, and Reasons scales were .69,.80, and .89, respectively, and for the subscales of the Reasons scale ranged between .78 and .85;(2) the alpha coefficients for the three scales were .85,.91,.97, and for the subscales of the Reasons scale ranged between .78 and .93;(3) there was a positive correlation between the Decidedness scale and the Comfort scale, and both scales were negatively correlated with the Reasons scale;(4) career indecision was found to be correlated as expected with state-trait anxiety, career beliefs, and perceived career barriers;(5) there were no significant differences between social science group and natural science group;(6) the only significant gender difference was found on the Career Choice Importance scale of the Reasons scale; and (7) there were significant grade differences on all the CCFI scale scores, with higher school grade level students showing greater decidedness.

本量表共分三部分:定向量表,安适量表及原因量表。其中,原因量表尚包含「环境资讯」、「抉择时机」、「双趋冲突」、「焦虑犹豫」、「科系因素」、「外在阻力」及「自我认识」七个分量表。做答方式采六点计分,从「非常不符合」到「非常符合」。信度方面,间隔四周的再测信度,定向量表为。69,安适量表为。80,原因量表为。89(分量表介於。78至。85间)。Cronbach alpha系数,定向量表为。85,安适量表为。91,原因量表为。97(分量表介於。78至。93间)。在效度方面,定向量表与安适量表呈显著正相关(r=。67);两量表与原因量表呈显著负相关(r=-。77及-。75);原因量表各分量表的内部相关低於各分量表与总分的相关。大学生的生涯定向程度、对生涯定向状态的安适程度及生涯未定向原因的类型三者与特质焦虑、情境焦虑、生涯信念及职业抉择阻力有关。

The result showed that the changes of stoma density ranged from 91~173 unitmm^(-2). Guard cell length ranged from 25.8~32.4 μm. Guard cell width ranged from 18.4~24.2μm. Guard cell width in sports variety was longer than in original variety.


Under light microscope, the egg is an oblated and agglutinated demersal with a narrow perivitelline space; eggs ranged in diameter from 1.95 to 2.38 mm with a mean of 2.18 ± 0.03 mm; their membrane are smooth and they have 5 to 7 cannular keratose egg-filaments; the oil globules are multiple, ranged in diameter from 0.05 to 0.50 mm and in number from 7 to 145 with a mean of 28±2, the position of them migrate during embryonic development; the yolks are ivory-white with no segments, ranged in diameter from 1.00 to 2.30 mm with a mean of 1.90 ± 0.03 mm; the development phases of the embryo are variable. So they were identified as the eggs of one Beloniformes.


Hence, the modulus of rigidity, G, of glulam was measured by vibration test method in order to realize the shear deflection effect. The E/G values of Japanese cedar, Taiwania, Douglas-fir, and southern pine glulam were ranged form 13.2 to 14.5, 14.6 to 16.6, 12.1 to 16.6 and 16.0 to 19.1, respectively. The pure MOE was also obtained. The Ep and MOR values of glulam were ranged from 10.6 to 13.4 GPa and 48.3 to 61.9 MPa for Japanese cedar, ranged from 12.1 to 15.0 GPa and 41.8 to 58.8 MPa for Taiwania, ranged from 10.5 to 16.4 GPa and 37.2 to 65.6 MPa for Douglas-fir, ranged from 14.5 to 20.6 GPa and 70.2 to 78.48 MPa for Southern pine, respectively.

而消除剪力挠曲影响,即可得集成材之抗弯弹性模数真实值与抗弯强度,依本研究配置所得之柳杉集成材之Ep值与MOR值分别为10.6-13.4 GPa与48.3-61.9 MPa;台湾杉集成材之Ep值与MOR值分别为12.1-15.0 GPa与41.8-58.8 MPa;花旗松集成材之Ep值与MOR值分别为10.5-16.4 GPa与37.2-65.6 MPa;南方松集成材之Ep值与MOR值分别为14.5-20.6 GPa与70.2-78.4 MPa。

RESULTS There were no complications relating to ECC in all of the 240 infants.The ECC time ranged from 49 min to 184 min and the aorta cross-clamp time ranged from 17 min to 110 min.The ultrafiltration volume ranged from 150 ml to 400 ml. The intraoperative Hct ranged from 16% to 20% and the hematocrit after MUF ranged from 30% to 39%.The mechanical ventilation support time after operation ranged from 6 h to 72 h.

结果 240例患儿未发现同ECC有关的并发症,ECC时间为49~184 min、升主动脉阻断时间17~110 min,改良超滤滤出液体150~400 ml,全组患者术中Hct维持0.16~0.20,改良超滤结束Hct为0.30~0.39,术后呼吸机辅助时间6~72 h,24 h胸腔引流量30~110ml,术后输入库血量100~200 ml。

Results All 34 cases included 29 carotid atherosclerosis,10 mlid luminal stenosis, 12 moderate luminal stenosis, 5 severe luminal stenosis,2 segmental occlusion;15 calcified plaque,10 noncalcified plaque,9 mixed plaque ;The total CT value ranged from 20-1140Hu,and the CT value of calcified plaque ranged from 220-1140Hu,the CT value of noncalcified plaque ranged from 20-73Hu; hese 7 positive findings included 1 left common carotid artery abnomal origin,2 carotid artery aneurysm and 4 vertebral artery stenosis.

结果 34例患者中,颈动脉粥样硬化者29例,管腔轻度狭窄者10例,中度狭窄者12例,重度狭窄者5例,节段闭塞者2例;钙化斑块15例,非钙化斑块10例,混合斑块9例; CT值范围20-1140Hu,其中钙化斑块CT值220-1140Hu,非钙化斑块CT值20-73Hu;左侧颈总动脉起源异常者1例;颈动脉体瘤2例;椎动脉狭窄者4例。

The result indicated that we can get stable homopolymer and copolymer emulsion with uniform size distribution, when the ratio of sodium polyether sulfovinate modified polysiloxane to sodium lauryl sulfate was two, the quantity of the emulsifiers ranged from 6% to 8%, the quantity of initiator ranged from 0.4% to 0.8%, the stirring speed ranged from 200rpm to 250rpm, the polymerization temperature was 80 centigrade degree. As for the copolymer emulsion, the more the TRIS content in the monomers, the larger the water contact angle of their films became, namely, the surface energy of the copolymer films increased with the TRIS content in the monomers. In addition, the glass-transition temperature of the copolymers ranged from high temperature region to low temperature region with the increasing of TRIS content in the monomers.


Analysis of nutritional components in pear fruits of different varieties showed that fructose, glucose and sucrose were predominant sugar in pear fruits, the content of which ranged from 3.40% to 9.24%, 0.21% to 2.72%, 0.10% to 1.69%, respectively; Content of titrable acid was the highest in Bayuehong Pear(0.286%) and lowest in Atago(0.078%); Content of Vitamin C was the highest in Beurre Bosc (9.50 mg/100g) and lowest in Lubaoshi Pear(1.89mg/100g); Content of protein ranged from 127 to 428 mg/100g, content of free amino acid ranged from 24.8 to 77.4 mg/100g; Contents of the same mineral element of different pear varieties were different.

不同梨品种果实营养成分含量的分析结果表明:果糖、葡萄糖和蔗糖是梨果实中的主要糖类,品种间三种糖的含量有较大差异,所测品种果实中三种糖的含量范围分别为:3.40%~9.24%、0.21%~2.72%、0.10%~1.69%;可滴定酸的含量以八月红最高(0.286%),爱宕最低(0.078%);维生素C的含量以博斯克最高(9.50 mg/100g),绿宝石最低(1.89mg/100g);不同品种间可溶性蛋白和氨基酸的含量差异较大,其含量范围分别为127~428mg/100g和77.4~24.8 mg/100g;不同品种间同一矿质元素的含量存在较大差异。

Results Nitrite concentration of 20 kinds of meat sausage ranged from 0.0017~0.042 g/kg, that of barbecue meat ranged from 0.0024~0.043 g/kg, that of sauced meat ranged from 0.0021~0.030g/kg.

结果 20种肉灌肠类亚硝酸盐含量范围在0.0017~0.042g/kg之间,20种烧烤肉在0.0024~0.043g/kg之间,20种酱卤肉在0.0021~0.030g/kg之间。

The average rate of volume shrinkage of oven-dried in Larix gmelini was 6.34%, the average rate of radial shrinkage of oven-dried in Larix gmelini was 1.98%, the average rate of tangential shrinkage of oven-dried in Larix gmelini was 4.23%. Variance of volume shrinkage of oven-dried in Larix gmelini was more significant among trees, and its value ranged from 4.48% to 7.59%. Variance of radical shrinkage of oven-dried in Larix gmelini was not obviously among trees, and its value ranged from 1.27% to 2.69%. Variance of tangential shrinkage of oven-dried in Larix gmelini was more obviously among trees, and its ranged from 2.73% to 5.00%. Difference of value of / among trees was obvious, and its value ranged from 2.15% to 3.58%.


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Next time I see you,I shall give you a black eye.


In this paper,design scheme of classification system of wood surface color is established.


With a few exceptions (a sea-monster attack seems to go on forever), this is where the film outdoes its predecessor.
