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与 punk 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Living punk between fields and forests and hanging out drinking by the fire in their forest hide-out and talking about music and bands are not the only thing that defines the lives of Roddy and his friends.


Hipster porn stars tend to be middle-class punk girls who come from pretty stable backgrounds and have been convinced what they're doing isn't porn at all and therefore doesn't deserve a lot of money.


You're gonna let some fucking hotshot punk come in here and take my fucking case?


Despite the piercings and spiky hairdos of Good Charlotte frontmen Joel and Benji Madden, the filth and the fury of punk are not in evidence on The Young and the Hopeless. Rather, Good Charlotte lean toward the sunny power pop favored by the lighter Huntingdon Beach, California, outfits. Nevertheless, with the title track and "The Anthem"("I'm just a minor threat"), the band appeals directly to high-school outsiders.

Good Charlotte,这支来自美国东海岸马里兰州的五人流行朋克团体,在2000年发表首张同名专辑《Good Charlotte》时,由於他们阳光俊朗的外型、加上爽劲悦耳的动听旋律,於是就有人把他们的队名译为"优质果冻",俨然一副新好男孩的偶像架势。

Yes, he was an '80s punk pioneer with Husker Du, and indie rock god with '90s juggernaut, Sugar.

是的,他就是上世纪八十年代与Husker Du齐名的朋克先驱,与九十年代与乐坛主宰Sugar为伍的印地摇滚之神。

To make things worse, he has a hysterical wife and a punk son.


One never thinks of China, but it is there all the time on the tips of your fingers and it makes your nose itchy; and long afterwards, when you have forgotten almost what a firecracker smells like, you wake up one day with gold leaf choking you and the broken pieces of punk waft back their pungent odor and the bright red wrappers give you a nostalgia for a people and a soil you have never known, but which is in your blood, mysteriously there in your blood, like the sense of time or space, a fugitive, constant value to which you turn more and more as you get old, which you try to seize with your mind, but ineffectually, because in everything Chinese there is wisdom and mystery and you can never grasp it with two hands or with your mind but you must let it rub off, let it stick to your fingers, let it slowly infiltrate your veins.


I think that's the reason for punk's longevity.


Die Lorelei is great for anyone who misses German pre-punk, or just digs sick math rock.

罗雷莱Die Lorelei对任何一个怀恋德国前朋克,或者紧紧是钻研在令人讨厌的数学摇滚立的人来说都是一首伟大的歌曲。

He is a self-absorbed lothario punk.


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Mi Peter Punk
Punk Rock Chick
Drink Drank Punk
Davey Destroyed The Punk Scene
Punk By The Book
Punk Rock Song
Punk Rock Song (German Version)
Whatever Happened To My Rock 'N' Roll (Punk Song)
My First Punk Song
I'd Be A Punk

I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
