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与 prudence 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The new system is more clearly stipulates:"The company doing the accounting should be guided by the principle of prudence demands, not more than total assets or income, less accrued liabilities or expenses, but not provision for secret preparations."


While Caesar was engaged in giving the finishing touch to the war at Actium and Alexandria, Marcus Lepidus, a young man whose good looks exceeded his prudence — son of the Lepidus who had been one of the triumvirs for the re-establishment of order in the state and of Junia the sister of Brutus — had formed plans for the assassination of Caesar as soon as he should return to the city.

正当凯撒正在阿克兴和亚历山大里亚忙于战争的最后一役之时,马尔库斯·雷必达,他是重建国家秩序的三头同盟之一的雷必达(此时已被剥夺权利流放至西尔塞 Cercei)和布鲁图的姐妹朱尼娅之子,一个姿容秀美但却缺乏谨慎的年轻人,却策划当凯撒返回罗马时要暗杀他。

In addition, another product in the financial prudence of continued growth in net value, also increased by 10%.


From this starting point,Aronrefuses both idealism,which protest unconditionally univeral peace,and realism,which assertspower politics,but advocates antinomic prudence,which recognizes both the antinomybetween unversal peace and particular interests of states,which make it necessary to supportinternationa normals with force,and the aspect of humanity which hope for peace,whichrequires states to admit multiplicity,and make some concession in a case if necessary,so as tokeep the world peaceful in the short run and the long run.


But the Beatle's Dear Prudence/Book Antiqua has to be my fav.


The virtue of prudence is a part of asceticism.


1 To apply reason and prudence to the solution of man's problems instead of yielding to atavist instincts and passions.PA:... to solve issues of man with reason and try to avoid respongding to them impulsively.


With no cure at present, although new drugs, such as AZT, have given researchers renewed optimism in AIDS, prudence could save thousands of people who have yet to be exposed to the virus.

目前尚无特效药,但也出现了一些新药,比如 AZT,能够给研究员带来对抗艾病的希望,审慎能够挽救很多遭受艾病折磨人的生命。

All the same, such considerations did not make me any the less wretched for the rest of the evening, and I felt extremely miserable as I left, having seen Prudence, the Count and Marguerite stepping into the barouche which stood waiting for them at the door.


At present, on the state of our country which is made up of many economic component parts and becoming many-faceted in enterprises operating, we should adopt principle of prudence moderately and should not neglect principle of prudence. No matter in confirming, measuring and revealing the contingent event, we should give expression to principle and it conforms to the state of our country completely.


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Dear Prudence
Dear Prudence
Dear Prudence

Next time I see you,I shall give you a black eye.


In this paper,design scheme of classification system of wood surface color is established.


With a few exceptions (a sea-monster attack seems to go on forever), this is where the film outdoes its predecessor.
