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与 prohibits 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The head of Mauritania's democratic opposition, Ahmed Ould Dadah, says General Aziz's candidacy is illegal even if he resigns his military commission because Mauritanian law prohibits those who take power by force from running in the next election.


PLAYER0, the Monroe Doctrine STRICTLY prohibits the stationing of foreign troops near Washington!


I think the Koran prohibits self mutilation.


On pain of death, Stalin specifically prohibits any retreat on the battlefield.


Article 23b of the 1907 Hague Regulations prohibits assassination, proscription, or outlawry of an enemy, or putting a price upon an enemy's head, as well as offering a reward for any enemy 'dead or alive.

第23b 1907年海牙条例禁止暗杀,取缔,或放逐的敌人,或把价格在一个敌人的头部,并提供奖金给任何敌人'活着还是死了。

This rapid escalation danger is one of the key reasons why the Chemical Weapons Convention prohibits the use of even tear gas or pepper spray as a method of warfare.

CWC 的基本精神将土崩瓦解。世界将陷入新一轮的化学武器军备竞赛!尽管冷战已经早已停止。

The Party prohibits personality cult in any form.


Sterility neither prohibits nor nullifies marriage, without prejudice to the prescript of can.


In addition, in reality, as adult society pretentiously prohibits things, the young generation intentionally or unintentionally regarded the taste as a carrier of their denial, so as to unleash their right to self-expression.


Article 16 further prohibits trade associations from organizing enterprises in violation of the price-fixing and other anti-cartel provisions of the law.


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We will see more and more activist government policies that distinguish economic activities according to the nationality of the actors.


If we can prove the independence of an axiomatic system, then we can guarantee the conciseness of this system, ie.


You can save 1,200 pounds of carbon dioxide if you cut down your garbage by 10%.
