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与 print 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

When we call print, the compiler first looks for a declaration of that name. It finds the local declaration for print that takes an int.

调用 print 时,编译器首先检索这个名字的声明,找到只有一个 int 型形参的 print 函数的局部声明。

CHINA PRINT delegation, made up of Mr. Wang Demao, Vice Chairman Executive of Printing and Printing Equipment Industries Association of China, and Miss Jennie Du, Program Manager of China Print Show Company Limited, arrived at Seoul on Sep 24th, 2008 to attend KIPES 2008 exhibition, which was held from Sep 25th to 28th.

由中国印刷及设备器材工业协会常务副理事长王德茂、中印协华港国际展览有限公司项目经理杜婧组成的CHINA PRINT 2009展会代表团于2008年9月24日午时到达韩国首尔,参加于9月25日-28日举办的韩国KIPES 2008展览会,全力推介CHINA PRINT 2009。

Software Description: CZ Print Job Tracker 4.0 Premium Edition is a powerful centralized print manager for 1-1000 printerswithin both print-server printing environment and non-print-server printing environment.

CZ Print Job Tracker 这款用于本地和网络打印机的打印管理器、监视器和跟踪器软件允许你在一个屏幕上管理你的所有打印作业,避免浪费打印以及减少维护时间。

After promotion at DRUPA 2008, CHINA PRINT delegation arrived at Kuala Lumpur of Malaysia on July 31st, 2008 for CHINA PRINT 2009 promotion activities in Print Technology 2008 exhibition. Mr. Xu Jinfeng, vice chairman executive and secretary-general of PEIAC, and Mr. Harry Zhao, general manager of China Print Show Company Limited, would present the latest information of China's printing market and CHINA PRINT 2009 to printing industry insiders in Southeast Asia.

继在德国Drupa2008上大力推介之后,由中国印刷及设备器材工业协会副理事长兼秘书长许锦枫、中印协华港国际展览有限公司总经理赵晖组成的CHINA PRINT 2009展会代表团于2008年7月31日晚到达马来西亚吉隆坡,参加于8月1日-4日举办的马来西亚Print Technology 2008展览会,全力推介CHINA PRINT 2009。

Print Screen key is a copy-screen button, we press the Print Screen key, the current contents of the screen all the efforts will be down.

Print Screen 键是一个拷屏键,我们按下 Print Screen 键,当前屏幕上显示的内容将会被全部抓下来。

Tip: Although the use of QQ will allow us freedom of the interception of any part of the screen picture, but the following two screenshots with the way the outcome will be better: If you want to interception of the entire screen you can use Print Screen key, the interception of a window is selected the window by pressing "Alt + Print Screen" key on OK.

提示:虽然QQ的这一用法可以让我们自由截取屏幕任意部分的画面,不过配合下面两种截屏方式效果会更好些:如果要截取全屏幕大家可以采用Print Screen键,截取某窗口则选中该窗口后按下"Alt+Print Screen"键就OK了。

Practically all Python objects have a string presentation either evaluatable from repr( or '', or printable from str. The print statement automatically invokes the str function for an object. This gets even better. When you are defining your own objects, there are hooks for you to create string representations of your object such that repr and str (and '' and print) return an appropriate string as output. And if worse comes to worst and neither repr or str is able to display an object, the Pythonic default is at least to give you something of the format


One Click Screen Grab - Using 'Print Scrn' or 'Alt + Print Scrn' will get the screen or active window to the clipboard.

使用'Print Scrn'或者'Alt + Print Scrn'可获得屏幕或者活动窗口放到剪贴板中,通过打开一个具有'捕获'功能的程序可以达到其他的要求,且可再进行操作获得一个'选择区域'。

When we call print passing a double, the process is repeated. The compiler finds the local definition of print.

当传递一个 double 数据调用 print 函数时,编译器重复了同样的匹配过程:首先检索到 print 局部声明,然后将 double 型的实参隐式转换为 int 型。

The following example converts an upper-case string to lower-case and prints it. The file main.s has two text segments and two data segments and calls the routine print which is defined in the file print.s


第1/100页 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... > 尾页
Fine Print
Cut, Print...Moving On
Cut! Print It

I can't say anything hurtful about anyone.


She was a short fat woman , garbed in a very tight , very gaudy red dress .


Leaf blade orbicular or oblong to ovate-lanceolate, less than 3 × as long as wide, abaxially not pruinose.

叶片圆形或长圆形的到卵状披针形,少于3 *倍于宽,背面不具粉霜。