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The bluffer can knowingly slip into conversation that, in the past, artists were seeking to express the ideal of beauty, in stark contrast to present-day preoccupations.


Dream analysis has also sensitized me to the value of using dreams as bridges to more fully understanding people's fears, preoccupations and goals.


Perhaps the lack of a central organization and a normative creed, certainly the caricature of fundamentalism arising from the Scopes Trial (1925), the popularization of the liberal response by representatives like Harry Emerson Fosdick, well publicized divisions among fundamentalists themselves, and preoccupations with the Depression of the 1930s and World War II curtailed fundamentalism's appeal.

也许是缺乏一个中央机构,并规范信条,肯定漫画的原教旨主义所带来的范围审判( 1925 ),普及自由的反应一样,代表哈利爱默生fosdick ,广为宣传的分歧原教旨主义本身,也关切与抑郁症的20世纪30年代和二战削弱原教旨主义的呼吁。

He inherited characteristic Puritan preoccupations with sin, with gilt and with secrecy.


Not threats but immediate dangers in both the south and east were the principal preoccupations of the German high command.


A person subsequently imposes this intrapsychic structure ,the fantasies, defenses and relational modes and preoccupations which go with it ,onto external social situations.


There are many associated with Group Mastery program that Mila and Oa facilitate that are working their way out of difficult circumstances; some are ascending out of disease; some are ascending out of jobs and marriages that are killing the form; some are working their way out of preoccupations that serve not ascension and finding new preoccupations that do; all are finding their freedom and truth in action.

有许多与 Mila 和 Oa 推进的团队项目掌握相关的提升者正致力于走出艰难的困境;一些人正提升出疾病;一些人正提升出在杀害他们形体的工作和婚姻;一些人正致力于离开不服务提升的工作而找到新的可支持提升的职业;所有人都在找寻他们的自由和行动中的真相。

Belief, Knowledge and Hypersymbolic Cognition" and "The Eye of the Needle: The Microminiatures of Hagop Sandaldjian dote on the preoccupations of soft-spoken scientists and tubercular late-blooming inventors.

信念,知识和夸张象征学认知"和"针眼:Hagop Sandaldjin 的微型此类展览,宠爱着说话斯文的科学家和后期蓬勃冒出,患有肺结核的设计家们的一己之好。

Sadly the methods of most left-leaning educators say much more about their own outdated preoccupations than about the problem.


On comparison and analysis, this article briefly discusses Rafael Moneo's thought on Typology, which is a key concept among Moneo's central preoccupations; On the basis of the discussion, the Museum of Roman Art in Merida, which is a critical work in Moneo's development, is analyzed and the generative process is explored.


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But in the course of internationalization, they meet with misunderstanding and puzzlement.


Inorder toaccomplish this goal as quickly as possible, we'll beteamingup with anexperienced group of modelers, skinners, and animatorswhosenames willbe announced in the coming weeks.


They answered and said to him, Are you also from Galilee?

7:52 他们回答他说,难道你也是出于加利利么?