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与 preluding 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Perhaps some of this group ought to be considered as forming a distinct category by themselves, and to be designated as psalms of repentance or penitential hymns; for their key-note is open confession of sin and transgression prompted by ardent repentance, preluding the yearning for forgiveness.

也许有人这个小组应该被视为形成一个独特的类别由自己,被指定为诗篇悔过或penitential圣歌;为他们的关键值得注意的是,公开认罪,罪恶的和侵提示殷切悔改, preluding的向往宽恕。

This actually philosophically inquires the evolution of Marxist Philosophy as well as preluding the elucidation of Chinese Marxist Philosophy.


She, first preluding with the instrument a low and musical prelude


Perhaps some of this group ought to be considered as forming a distinct category by themselves, and to be designated as psalms of repentance or penitential hymns; for their key-note is open confession of sin and transgression prompted by ardent repentance, preluding the yearning for forgiveness.

也许有些本集团应视为构成一个独特的类别本身,以及被指定为诗篇的忏悔或悔罪的赞美诗;的关键注意的是开放的招供的罪孽和侵提示殷切悔改, preluding的渴望宽恕。

The shape of the preluding hall likes spreaded and hover kun p'eng is represent love and adore the birds by humudu ancestor .


Mix with red corrugated ceramic tiles territories, brown face wall, antique, wild is in harmony with humudu shape of the preluding hall likes spreaded and hover kun p'eng is represent love and adore the birds by humudu ancestor .

混合红色波纹瓷砖领土,布朗面临着墙壁,古董,野生动物是在和谐与humudu 形状preluding大厅喜欢传播和悬停鲲鹏是代表爱情和崇拜的humudu鸟类的祖先。


We are interested in your suggestions about appointing us to be the single dealer.


Three types of empty-shell marriages have been identified. In a devitalized relationship husband and wife lack excitement or any real interest in their spouse or their marriage.


The deer tick is the variety that carries Lyme disease bacteria, but other types of ticks carry different unpleasant diseases.
