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与 pier 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Funded by their lucrative success in the role-playing game business, and based on one of their game's premises, the $2.5 million center runs seven days a week in a mall on the North Pier in downtown Chicago.(With new investment from Tim Disney, Walt's grandson, other centers are opening up around the country.)

以他们在角色扮演类游戏中所获得的颇为丰厚的利润作为资金来源,再以他们之前的某一款游戏的设定为基础,BattleTech这个价值250万美金的游戏中心开张了,地点在芝加哥市中心North Pier的一家购物中心里。

Something else I did was I went to the Santa Monica Pier, and that was cold, but fun.

另外一件事是我去了Santa Monica Pier,那里虽然冷可是很好玩。

Up the block, the aroma of hash browns and the sound of morning gossip fill the shingled Pier View Restaurant.

在街区的另一头,Pier View Restaurant里面充满着的土豆煎饼的香气,还有人们的闲言碎语。70岁的史蒂文。

Up the block, the aroma of hash browns and the sound of morning gossip fill the shingled Pier View Restaurant.

在街区的另一头,Pier View Restaurant里面充满着的土豆煎饼的香气,还有人们的闲言碎语。70岁的史蒂文·巴普蒂斯特Stephen Baptiste Sr。

When connected to an L-1 SIRIS matching engine, PIER devices can confirm an individual's identity against a database of 1 billion records in less than one second.

当与L-1 SIRIS匹配引擎联接使用的时候,PIER设备可以根据拥有10亿条数据的数据库,在不到一秒的时间内对个体进行识别。

The second part begins with a contribution by Pier Giuseppe Monateri and Alessandro Somma on fascist contract theory.

第二部分是以 Pier Giuseppe Monateri 和 Alessandro Somma 对法西斯主义契约理论的贡献为开端的。

The second part begins with a contribution by Pier Giuseppe Monateri and Alessandro Somma on **scist contract theory.

第二部分是以Pier Giuseppe Monateri和Alessandro Somma对法西斯主义契约理论的贡献为开端的。

Atlantic City once had Young's Million-Dollar Pier, which became Hamid's Million-Dollar Pier: although gambling was never allowed there, the name encapsulated both brassy new entertainment and the off-chance of getting rich.

大西洋城曾有一座杨记百万美元栈桥(Young's Million-Dollar Pier),后来改成了哈密德百万美元栈桥(Hamid's Million-Dollar Pier):虽然那里从来不允许赌博,但名字的变迁一样浓缩了崭新的娱乐以及致富希望的来之不易。

"While this result is consistent with dark matter, it is also consistent with backgrounds," said Fermilab Director Pier Oddone. In 2010, the collaboration is installing an upgraded detector at Soudan with three times the mass and lower backgrounds than the present detectors.

&尽管这次的结果跟暗物质一致,它同时也跟背景一致,&费米实验室的主任Pier Oddone说道:在2010年,研究者们将会在Soudan安装一个升级了的探测器(超级CDMS,SuperCDMS),比现在的探测器重3倍,而噪音水平更低。

"While this result is consistent with dark matter,it is also consistent with backgrounds,"said Fermilab Director Pier Oddone.In 2010,the collaboration is installing an upgraded detectorat Soudan with three times the mass and lower backgrounds than the present detectors.

&即使此次的结果跟暗物质一概,它同时也跟布景一概,&费米尝试室的主任Pier Oddone说道:在2010年,切磋者们将会在Soudan安置一个进级了的探测器(超级CDMS,SuperCDMS),比此刻的探测珍视3倍,而噪音水平更低。

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Pier Paolo
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We are interested in your suggestions about appointing us to be the single dealer.


Three types of empty-shell marriages have been identified. In a devitalized relationship husband and wife lack excitement or any real interest in their spouse or their marriage.


The deer tick is the variety that carries Lyme disease bacteria, but other types of ticks carry different unpleasant diseases.
