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But Jews too young to have watched Israel rout three Arab armies in six days in 1967 are less likely to see it as heroic, morally superior, in need of help, or even relevant."Israel in the Age of Eminem", a report written in 2003 for the Andrea and Charles Bronfman Philanthropies, a Jewish charity, concluded that "There is a distance and detachment between young American Jews and their Israeli cousins that does not exist among young American Arabs and has not existed in the American Jewish community until now."

但是那些过于年轻而未曾见过以色列人1967年在6天里就击溃三支阿拉伯大军的犹太人就不太可能认为其英勇、道德优越、需要帮助或是诸如此类。2003年为犹太人慈善团体"安德里亚与查尔斯·布隆夫曼慈善事业"( Andrea and Charles Bronfman Philanthropies )所撰写的一份报告总结说,"在年青美国犹太人与其以色列同胞之间存在着疏远和脱离,这在美国阿拉伯人中则不存在,在美国的犹太人社团中直到现在也不存在。"

Rock Chalk Revue Acts Chosen for Shows at Lied Center - It is one of the largest student-run philanthropies in the United States....


And other government agencies, universities, drug companies and philanthropies have chipped in uncounted billions more.

而其他政府机构、大学、制药公司及慈善事业也投入了难以计算的大量资金。5y Ig8V\P$x Y

And his charitable group, Bloomberg Philanthropies, helped pay for the study.


And his charitable group, Bloomberg Philanthropies, helped pay for the study.


And his charitable group, Bloomberg Philanthropies , helped pay for the study.


And his charitable group, Bloomberg Philanthropies, helped pay for the study.

他的慈善团体,Bloomberg 慈善组织,为这个研究付费。

And his charitable group, Bloomberg Philanthropies, helped pay for the study.


And his charitable group, Bloomberg Philanthropies, helped pay for the study.

同时他的慈善组织Bloomberg Philanthropies还为这项调查提供资金。

The W.H.O. study was announced in New York City. New York's mayor, Michael Bloomberg, has worked hard to restrict smoking in America's largest city. And his charitable group, Bloomberg Philanthropies, helped pay for the study.

世界卫生组织研究报告在纽约公布,纽约市市长Michael Bloomberg在美国最大的城市限制吸烟作出了很大的努力,他的慈善机构Bloomberg Philanthropies为此项研究提供了资金援助。

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But in the course of internationalization, they meet with misunderstanding and puzzlement.


Inorder toaccomplish this goal as quickly as possible, we'll beteamingup with anexperienced group of modelers, skinners, and animatorswhosenames willbe announced in the coming weeks.


They answered and said to him, Are you also from Galilee?

7:52 他们回答他说,难道你也是出于加利利么?