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与 peep 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In nine recruiters, the higher end-expiratory pressure strategy resulted in significant alveolar recruitment (587 ± 158 ml), improvement in arterial oxygen partial pressure/inspired oxygen fraction ratio (from 150 ± 36 to 396 ± 138), and reduction in static lung elastance (from 23 ± 3 to 20 ± 2 cm H2O/L).

结果显示,两组患者的临床转归相似。19例患者均使用了低PEEP (9 ± 2 cm H2O)和高PEEP(16 ± 1 cm H2O)通气。9例使用了高PEEP受试者肺泡复张显著(587 ± 158 ml),动脉血氧分压/氧合指数改善(from 150 ± 36 to 396 ± 138),静息肺弹性下降(from 23 ± 3 to 20 ± 2 cm H2O/L)。

Attachments on the string are permitted to serve as a lip or nose mark, a peep-hole, a peep-hole 'hold-in-line' device, loop bowstring, etc.


Gui Xiaohu's "Do not watch" series may involve triple ambiguous: First, the material from his anti-vice picture, this is painting with images of disputes over the other; secondly, he has chosen and reproduced these images, it constitutes a peep again; Thirdly, the peep makes the theme of sex and violence implicit social criticism, and in highlighting the plight of ethics at the same time, the works themselves were placed in a moral dilemma.


The increase in oxygenation, the reduction in static lung elastance, and the shape of the volume–pressure curve during the lower PEEP strategy were independently associated with alveolar recruitment.


Results We analyzed homodynamic when the patients applied mechanical ventilation for respiratory failure patients of the great ages. 1) When VT was ≥10 ml/kg and PEEP was set at 0~10 cmH2O, or when VT was 6~12 ml/kg and PEEP was 〉10 cmH2O, the respiratory tract produced high peak pressure and the inspiration platform pressure, with which HR and CVP increased, and SBP, DBP, CI and CO decreased.


The results of respiratory mechanics, homodynamic mechanics,aterial blood gaS, and inflaInInatory factors [TNF- Q, IL-l fl, IL-6,IL-l0, and adrenomedulin] which detected in animal serumand bronchial alveolar lavage fluid obtained from tiP lObe,heart lobe, and diaPhragIn lobe of right lung seParate1y in the mongreldogs were measured before and after lung injury (including receivinglung protective ventilation).

本实验证明了 loS肺内/肺外不同源性 ARDS动物模型的差异性,而且AnDS的肺部病变存在不均一性和多形性的特点,对有关ARDS进行性低氧血症的发生机制提出了肺动静脉可能存在类似于右一左分流的肺内分流现象,以及因肺内分流而导致严重通气/血流比例失调的解释。发现小潮气十PEEP通气对肺内源性 ARDS疗效不佳,而俯卧位+小潮气-I- PEEP通气对肺内/肺外不同源性ARDS均有较好的疗效。。

We reasoned that the use of pleural-pressuremeasurements, despite the technical limitations to the accuracyof such measurements, would enable us to find a PEEP value thatcould maintain oxygenation while preventing lung injury dueto repeated alveolar collapse or overdistention.


BACKGROUND:"Optimal" positive end-expiratory pressure can be defined as the PEEP that prevents recollapse after a recruitment maneuver, avoids over-distension, and, consequently, leads to optimal lung mechanics at minimal dead space ventilation.

背景:&最佳&呼气末正压可定义为:可预防复张后再萎陷、避免过度扩张,在最小的死腔通气情况下达到理想的肺力学状态的 PEEP 。

Compare the lung injury extent and the important physiological parameters to determine the optimal condition for rabbit ventilator induced lung injury, Choosing another 24 new Zealand rabbit, randomly divided into 4 groups:(1)conventional ventilation+PEEP group;(2)ventilator induced lung injury group: employ the experimental condition determined by the first part experiment;(3)VILI+HO-1 inducer hemin group:pre-treated with HO-1 inducer, the ventilation method is the same with VILI group;(4)VILI+HO-1 inhibitor Zn-PP group(Zn-PP group):pre-treated with HO-1 inhibitor, the ventilation condition is the same with VILI group.


Objective: To study the clinical value of PEEP chosen by graded approach on mortality of ARDS patients.


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Peep Show
Door Peep
Peep Hole
Peep Game
Peep Show

If Pentium 4 used to be the master of all games built on Quake3 engine, now the situation has changed completely.


No, this is not what we mean by framing, although the principle is the same.


As we walked up a steep, rocky trail, he fell and uttered a mild expletive.
